The San Diego Police Chase Crosses Orange and Los Angeles Counties


Police were pursuing a vehicle in the San Diego area Tuesday night, and the vehicle was traveling north on Highway 5 until it arrived in Orange County.

Gil Leyvas and Newschopper4 Bravo caught up with the vehicle around 8:00 am: 50 hours At Mission Viejo,

As the police pursued at a safe distance, the driver of the red four-door car was driving at speeds near the limit posted speed, even though it often climbed to over 70 mph. the California Highway Patrol in Orange County, the driver was originally reported for high speed, and a failure to yield led to the high-speed pursuit, started by the CHP of the region of San Diego

WATCH: The craziest police chases of SoCal "src ="*349/060513-combo-pursuit-motorcycle-01.JPG "/> [19659005] The driver continued on Highway 5 North to Los Angeles.

At about 9:25 pm, the driver continued north on Highway 5 Freeway 91 trading into the Buena Park area, about 20 miles south of downtown Los Angeles.

At approximately 21:35, the driver continued to drive on Highway 5 and was only 10 miles from downtown Los Angeles.

The driver surprised, little or not at all traffic and past past Dodger Stadium at around 9:50 pm

The driver continues to use r the vehicle's turn signals when it changes lanes and maintains the speed at approximately 70 mph.

At approximately 22:07, the vehicle arrives in the Sylmar area and the law enforcement agencies have abandoned the prosecution, which has occurred several times since the origin of the lawsuit in San Diego County.

At approximately 10:15 pm, the driver of the vehicle abruptly stopped on Highway 5 just past McBean Parkway in Santa Clarita. Soon after, a group of three officers approached the vehicle. with a less than lethal force, pulling what appeared to be a beanstop at the pbadenger's rear window

. The police approached the vehicle on the driver's side and chased the driver out of the car. The prosecution ended and the driver was stopped at around 22:20. Police officers quickly cleared the scene and drove the vehicle from Highway 5 to the next exit, Boulevard Valencia, to allow the pbadage of saved traffic.

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