500 new jobs by Abbott Pharmaceutical & # 39; welcome news & # 39; for Donegal – Pat the Cope


MP Pat The Cope Gallagher Leas Cheann Comhairle welcomed the Abbott Pharmaceutical news that they will create up to 500 new jobs in Donega.

Abbotts has a long and successful history in the city of Donegal, where they are one of the leading employer areas for many years.

Abbotts Pharmaceutical employs more than 3,200 people in nine different plants throughout the island of Ireland.

Welcoming the announcement, MP Gallagher said, "This is a very important boost for the county and the city of Donegal in particular."

"I wish to congratulate all those of you. Abbotts for choosing the Donegal site, the current Lurganboy Donegal plant has been in operation since 2006, and manufactures freestyle lite brands of blood glucose test strips and meter monitoring. that they export worldwide at the present time.

"The Lurganboy website is a center of excellence for blood glucose monitoring equipment It has been achieved over the years through a solid investment from Abbotts and at the 39, commitment of a very dedicated workforce. "

MP Gallagher added that it would now be essential that all state agencies and local authorities work closely together to put in place all that will be required for this plant to be fully implemented. operational in the time scale described by Abbotts.

"This opportunity for Donegal to show how proactive and progressive we are in implementing projects, from planning to operations, nothing needs to be done to facilitate this facility in the city of Donegal and its surroundings."

MP Gallagher concluded, "These are key jobs at a crucial time for us in Donegal."

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