Current changes in the ocean could change the Irish climate for two decades


A weakening of major ocean currents in the North Atlantic, including the warming Gulf Stream, could unleash a sudden change in the Irish climate that could last two decades, Irish scientists warned [19659002]. According to the Maynooth University team, such changes could have disastrous consequences for the global climate and make the urgent need to cope with climate change more difficult, the team says, in research published by the newspaper Nature .

The circulating system of the North Atlantic Ocean, responsible for Ireland's relatively mild climate, has weakened and is expected to weaken further in the coming decades.

Strong ocean circulation has traditionally been badociated with higher temperatures and sluggish circulation with colder temperatures, Dr. Gerard McCarthy and Professor Peter Thorne of Maynooth's Irish Units of Analysis and Climate Research (ICARUS) badyzed the research of Professors Xianyao Chen of the Oceanic University of China and Ka-Kit Tung of the University of Washington

Research studied ocean currents called Atlantic reversal meridian circulation (AMOC) where hot water flows northward on the surface with a southward flow of colder and deeper waters.

The best known of these currents is the Gulf Stream, which has long been widely recognized as protecting Ireland from extreme weather conditions and giving the country its famous wet and mild climate.

Vigorous Strength

Overall, AMOC was considered a vigorous force badociated with a high surface area. Temperatures across the Atlantic, but new research is highlighting its role in storing heat in the deep ocean. "

AMOC is now at its weakest in at least 1600. The past changes in AMOC have been badociated with abrupt climate change.The global surface temperatures have steadily increased from 1975 to 1998, but the growth then slowed down for 15 years.

Between 2014 and 2017, however, the world has experienced the four hottest years recorded: "The interest in this break and" However, climate change is a complex answer with external factors slowly changing, "it is therefore essential to re-examine and attempt to fully understand past climate behaviors and their underlying causes.", explains the Irish duo

Chinese research may be the key to Explanation of this hiatus, and understanding the mechanisms that underpin it can help us prepare for future climate change.

Atmospheric gas concentrations

Deep Waters

Chen and Tung argue that half of the heat produced by these gases is stored in the deep waters of the N. However, the lull of 1975/1998, while the AMOC was robust and strengthening, may explain the reduction in global warming that occurred because it was "so effective" able to "However, AMOC will" most likely "weaken in the In fact, the Atlantic has seen moderate increases in surface temperatures compared to the global ocean in recent decades.

Scientists have already observed that AMOC is weakened and that "the Atlantic is surprisingly cold suggesting that it does not store heat efficiently." If rapid global warming of the surface of the sea and land results, it could "have disastrous consequences for the climate global and make even more diff This is the fight against global climate change, "added Dr. McCarthy

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