Surging early voting turnout in Texas surpasses numbers from 2014 after only five days | 2018 Elections


More Dallas County residents have cast ballots through the first five days of early voting this year than during the entire early voting period in 2014, the last midterm election.

As of Friday, 272,062 in-person and mail-in ballots had been cast in Dallas County — more than 20 percent of the county’s 1.3 million registered voters, according to the Texas secretary of state.

Through five days of the 12-day early voting period in 2014, only 85,971 total ballots had been cast in Dallas.

In the 30 counties with the most registered voters in the state, 2,146,117 Texans have cast ballots in person and 280,444 have mailed in ballots, according to the secretary of state’s office.

Turnout started strong Monday and Tuesday, with the number of ballots topping the amount from 2016, a presidential election year. The number of voters started to slow down as the week progressed, with totals surpbading 2014 and falling short of 2016.

But on Saturday, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins tweeted that 30,759 people had voted in Dallas as of 5:15 p.m., more than the 30,591 who voted on the sixth day of early voting in 2016.

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