UFU worries about a 59-year-old average farmer


The Ulster Farmers Union voiced concern after research had revealed that the average age of farmers in Northern Ireland was 59 – close to retirement age in other professions.

However, at the same time, many young people are trying to get into the industry, agricultural schools being oversubscribed.

Research done by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) also revealed that the number of Protestant farmers was nine percent higher than that of the general population and that Protestants were much more likely to work in larger farms than their Catholic neighbors.

UFU President, Ivor Ferguson, said that what stands out from the research is that the average age of farmers here is 59 years old.

"In many other professions, it would be around the age when people could start thinking about retirement," he said. "However, for farmers, it's not always easy."

Succession and land mobility remain key issues for UFU, which has been working closely with YFCU and John McCallister, who is responsible for the Land Mobility Program and the Next Generation Forum, to address these issues. .

"Many young people are trying to enter the sector, as evidenced by the oversubscription of agricultural colleges," he added.

The DAERA report "Indicators of equality for farmers in Northern Ireland" indicates that the average age of farmers is 59 years old.

Nearly one-third, or 30%, had a long-term, age-related, limiting condition compared to about one-fifth of the general population.

Fifty-one percent of the farmers were Protestant, just over two-fifths, 42% Catholic, and 6% other religions or no religion.

This compares to 42% of the total population who declare their Protestant religion, 41% to a Catholic religion and 18% who say they have another religion or none.

Catholic farmers were much more likely to work in very small farms, 85% of Catholic farmers, compared to 68% of Protestant farmers. and more than three-quarters of Catholic farmers were engaged in cattle and sheep farming in the "less favored areas", or 77 percent, compared with less than half, or 45 percent, of Protestant farmers.

On the other hand, Protestant farmers were much more likely than Catholics to manage large farms (10% vs. 2%) in the dairy sector (16% vs. 5%) and to be based in the lowlands (41%). % vs. 15%).

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