“That blue wave keeps crashing on the beach — in the last 24 hours, two tight House races have been called for Democrats, one in California, one in New Jersey,” Stephen Colbert said on Wednesday’s Late Show. His audience appeared to appreciate those wins. “You know who’s not enjoying last Tuesday’s election? The guy who lost, Donald Trump,” Colbert said. President Trump has reportedly “retreated into a cocoon of bitterness and resentment,” he added. “Yes, Trump is ending his larval stage, and in just a few weeks he will emerge as a hideous, race-baiting butterfly.”
The White House is so mired in Trump’s anger, his staff has apparently been avoiding him. “They’re all holed up in the one place he will never go: a salad bar,” Colbert joked.
“You can tell the midterm results were way worse for Republicans than they initially let on from the way they’re behaving,” Seth Meyers said on Late Night. “And the more results we get from last week’s midterm elections, the clearer it is that this was in fact a mbadive blue wave.” He showed Trump declaring victory right after the elections, rubbing it in by highlighting some big races Trump bet big on and lost.
“As the results get worse for Republicans, they’re getting more desperate, and they seem to be focusing their desperation on Florida,” Meyers said. “Republicans have been spreading lies about nonexistent voter fraud without any evidence, and you’ll never guess who they’re blaming for that nonexistent voter fraud.” (It’s Hillary Clinton. Meyers laughed.) “So why, why is Trump freaking out?” he asked. Special Counsel Robert Mueller. “For two years, Trump has acted like a guy who’s afraid the walls are closing in, and that was when Republicans were in charge of everything. Now Democrats control the House and Mueller can make news again.” Watch below. Peter Weber
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