A Californian woman covered head to toe with bees in critical condition after an attack


  A Californian woman was left in critical condition after being attacked by a huge swarm of bees.

A Californian woman was left in critical condition after being attacked by a mbadive swarm of bees.

(Department of Agriculture of Georgia)

A California housekeeper found herself hooked to life Monday morning after being attacked by a large swarm of bees that "covered her from head to toe", and was asked the rescuers to skip the protocol during their response.

The woman, who is in her fifties, was stung hundreds of times by the big swarm outside a house in southern California

"When someone has been stung hundreds of times, [bees] "is going to have a serious problem," said fire captain Tony Bommarito at NBC Los Angeles. "Everyone, allergy or not, is going to be in a state serious after that. "

Firefighters in Orange County said that four firefighters had also been bitten while trying to help the woman from Lake Forest's home.Fire Capt. She was attacked when she got out of her car to get something in the trunk The hive was hidden by bushes

"Basically, she was literally covered from head to toe," Bommarrito told NBC Los Angeles. completely covered with bees. "

Another first responder said to the exuto ire that the bees were grouped on the woman and said that she "had them on her face, around her mouth, around her ears and in her neck.

The situation was so severe, according to the report, that first responders were not wearing protective gear before catching a carbon dioxide extinguisher and using it on bees. Some firefighters were stung in the process, including two who were hospitalized.

The Associated Press contributed to this report

Edmund DeMarche is a news editor for FoxNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @EDeMarche .

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