A Critical Priest The Largest Irishman In Rome On Marriage Preparation


A priest in Dublin described as "absurd, juvenile and destructive" a statement by Cardinal Kevin Farrell, the oldest Irishman in the Vatican, that priests have no credibility when they are in the dark. it is about training people in marriage. Father William Dailey also called for the resignation of Cardinal Farrell.

Cardinal Farrell, a native of Drimnagh, Dublin and prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for the laity, family and life, said that "priests are not the best at training others at marriage."

The World Family Meeting in Dublin next month, was speaking in an interview with Intercom a magazine published by Catholic Bishops of Ireland.

In a tweet, Father Dailey, director of the Notre Dame-Newman Center for Faith and Reason at St Stephen's University Church in Dublin, described what Cardinal Farrell has described as "absurd, juvenile and destructive". He continued: "I seem to deserve his resignation from a position that he may not be insightful enough to hold."

In follow-up tweets, Father Dailey was "stunned that a cardinal in his message was saying something that is so fake and destructive." Many couples have reported that our conversations were fruitful, and returned to keep them long after the wedding reception was a distant memory. "

It was possible, he said," the Cardinal lacks credibility to speak to married people; far from me to challenge his self-accusation But its weakening of the work of many is clearly wrong, unjust and counterproductive. "

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