A former Thai Navy diver dies in a rescue effort in a cave


A former Thai military diver drowned while he was involved in the rescue operation of 12 boys and their football coach trapped in a flooded cave, highlighting their fears about the careful attempt to extract the young ones. the security of trying to get the group out the same way, through cramped pbadages at the bottom of the waterlogged cavern.

Many boys – aged 11 to 16 – are unable to swim and no diving experience. "The former Seal who volunteered to help died last night at around 2am," said Chiang Rai's vice governor, Pbadakorn Boonyaluck, at the scene, calling it "sad new "

. Tham Luang cave where the youth and their football coach were found Monday.

"On the way home, he lost consciousness," said Apakorn Yookongkaew, commander of the Thai Seal, adding that his friend had tried to get him out. "We lost a man, but we still have faith to do our work."

Asked how the boys could get out safely if an experienced diver could not, Mr. Apakorn said that they would take more precautions with the children. 19659002] The diver's mission was to bring oxygen tanks and carry lines along the pbadages between an advanced operation base and the muddy embankment where the children and the bus s & # 39; home.

"It's very risky (dive outside) Think about it, a Navy Seal just died last night, so how about a child from 12 years old, "said Rafael Aroush, an Israeli.

Authorities promised to investigate death and sent his body to a local hospital for an autopsy

The accident marks the first major setback for the gargantuan effort, which has started almost two weeks ago. after the team "Wild Boars" went to the cave in northern Thailand

Their ordeal seized Thailand, the nation holding its breath for their extraction safely.

Messages of support and prayers for the team flooded social media, as global media mbaded in the cave.

But the unprecedented rescue mission was tainted by the threat of rains.

The expected downpours stopped, giving a glimmer of relief to the rescuers who pumped the water, while plotting the complicated mining plan.

The team received basic training on breathing and the management of diving equipment in case the order to evacuate is given

But the authorities are reluctant to allow them to dive out of the cave, given the extreme risks.

Other options for the study are the expectation of the monsoon, which could take months, or the output of a crack in the rock wall, if we can find one.

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