A huge iceberg off the sparks of Greenland


A large iceberg drifted near a tiny village on the west coast of Greenland, raising fears that it could overwhelm the village in case of tsunami if it broke.

A danger zone near the coast was evacuated and According to a spokesman for the Greenland police, a video was posted on social media showing the iceberg overlooking houses on a promontory of the village. Innaarsuit, when a huge piece of ice was moved. slip into the water sending big waves to the village.

"We can feel the anxiety of the inhabitants, we are used to big icebergs, but we have never seen one as big" Susanna Elibaden, member "

" Nobody remains unnecessarily close from the beach and all the children were ordered to stay in the highlands, "added Ms. Elibaden

The government and police are up alert and have moved a search and rescue helicopter (SAR ) Nearest remote village with about 170 inhabitants

Last summer, four people died after the waves submerged a colony in northwestern Greenland.

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