A hurricane literally wiped this tiny Hawaiian island off the map – BGR


When a hurricane rolls ashore here in the United States we see devastation in the form of buildings toppled, incredible flooding, and the collapse of infrastructure. Depending on the strength of the storm, the severity of the damage ranges from mild nuisance to an earthquake disaster, but there is still a lot of room to rebuild. That's unfortunately not the case for Hawaii's tiny East Island.

The pint-sized stretch of sand and foliage has been claimed by Hurricane Walaka as it has been powered by pasted Hawaii a few weeks ago. ace the Guardian reports, newly-released satellite images reveal that there's nothing left of the island.

The island, which measured approximately 11 acres, was not settled by humans but it was used as a backdrop for various species. As you can see, any animals

Chip Fletcher, a University of Hawaii scientist, was not surprised at a hurricane #climatechange Hawaii Islands, home to endangered seals and sea turtles. But he did not expect it this soon. #hinews @noaa pic.twitter.com/ejcGuh0XMF

– Nathan Eagle (@NathanEagle) October 22, 2018

The island was indeed tiny, but it stuck around for a long time before its unfortunate brush with the hurricane. Researchers believe the island has been at least a thousand years ago.

It's incredibly unlucky for scientists who have been moving towards climate change. Speaking with the Guardian, University of Hawaii processor of earth science Chip Fletcher was dismayed.

"Fletcher said." We wanted to monitor the island so we are disappointed it has gone, but we have learned more about it. "I thought the island would be around, but it was far more fragile than I appreciated. The top, middle and bottom of it has gone. "

It's an incredibly unfortunate development but the island can be seen in the coal mine, so to speak. We know that big storms on Earth are getting stronger global warming. Constantly rebuilding coastal communities when storms are wiped out, and if we do not know about their impact on the environment, we may be pushing their destructive might in the face of have ever seen before.

Image Source: Nathan Eagle / Twitter

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