A library service organizes a science festival


Sinead and Jack Kelly at the Brickx Club Science Week at the Dundalk Library
Sinead and Jack Kelly at the Brickx Club Science Week at the Dundalk Library
Sean and Jude McDonald at the Brickx Club Science Week at the Dundalk Library
  • A library service organizes a science festival


    The inaugural Louth Library Science Festival is in full swing with a host of events for all ages.



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The inaugural Louth Library Science Festival is in full swing with a host of events for all ages.

Organized with funding from the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), the festival aims to generate increased interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) subjects.

An ambitious program of events is taking place in the major libraries of Dundalk, Drogheda and Ardee, as well as outreach activities in Carlingford and Dunleer schools.

The library service has developed a truly exciting program of events in cooperation with scientists and researchers from DkIT, the Crann Institute, iCrag and the Dublin Adapt Center, as well as contributions from local industries. .

Teens and their parents are invited to attend a timely discussion today (Tuesday) at 1:30 pm entitled "HPV; All the history, warts and everything: HPV lecture by scientist, lecturer and researcher Dr. Sinead Loughran from the Faculty of Health and Science at DKIT, on the importance of HPV as a cause of cancer and HPV HPV protection and safety facts about the vaccine used in Irish schools.

The fascinating science behind Mandala Art will be explored in a two hour workshop tonight at 6pm. The art of the mandala is the ultimate cross between art, mathematics and science. It covers concepts ranging from Vedic mathematics to geometry, through astronomy, art history, philosophy and much more. Local Business The Great Northern Larder will talk about the science of food preservation, including fermentation and vinegars, on Thursday at 11:00 am.

Nowadays, almost everyone has a smart phone, but not everyone gets the most out of these minicomputers. Find out how to make the most of them during a two-day clbad on Thursday and Friday afternoons at 2:30 pm. This course will be repeated the following week.

Young people who wonder what career they should choose have a few workshops. The Teagasc premiere, Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm, examines the possibilities of agriculture.

A day in the life of a STEM professional on Thursday at 6 pm includes a round table with STEM professionals to present different STEM careers, answer questions and highlight the STEM career environment and the opportunities available, in a world increasingly shaped by science and technology. Technology.

Once Upon a Star is a morning of storytelling and science-themed activities for very young children on Saturdays at 11:30 am.

The festival will continue next week with a major parenting workshop, The Science of Cyberbullying, on Tuesday, November 13 at 6pm. Hosted by Barnardos, this workshop covers a wide range of topics, including popular applications, Internet security and signage that a child is a victim of cyberbullying.

The expert beekeeper Eoghan Mac Giolla Coda presents "Bee Wise". an informative workshop on bees and the daily uses of honey on Thursday, November 15th at 11am. The Science of Your Smart Device: Get the most out of your smartphone with this two-day course on November 15th and 16th at 2:30 pm as part of the Louth Science Festival. Booking is essential

Children are invited to use Scratch, a fun program language that introduces them to the world of computer coding at a workshop hosted by Joan McCann of {The_Code_Lab} Saturday, November 17 at 2pm. Participants will learn how to create their own animation or game on Saturday, November 17th at 2pm as part of the Louth Science Festival.

All of the above events take place in the Dundalk Library. Although they are free, booking is essential. Call the Dundalk Library at 9353190 to reserve a spot.

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