A look inside the journey of the US-bound caravan migrants


"I am feeling some chills -" Gomez said.

As they continue their nearly 1,000-mile trek to the US border, here is a glimpse into the lives of those who are left behind to join the caravan.

Few people in the caravans of the caravans and the people of the United States.

Many are wearing flip-flops, rubber clogs or sneakers that are falling apart.

Like many of the migrants, Gomez has faced the grueling heat and torrential rains. At night, the caravans sleep on sidewalks and the floors of the town before they go back to their daily marathon.

Carlos Gomez takes a break on the road north near Arriaga, Mexico.

Despite his failing health, Gomez, an out-of-work farmhand from Honduras, says he has no choice. He left behind eight children back home and the only way to earn enough to feed them, he said, is to keep moving forward and reach the United States.

"There is no work anymore." The government took our lands, "he said.

President Donald Trump has railed against the caravan and described it as an organized effort by the United States through the nation's immigration laws.

US, Mexico negotiate options for handling migrant caravan

But after a week, the CNN witnessed little, if any, organization.

People joined and left the group at will. Exhausted by the journey

The Mexican government says reduced to about 3,600 migrants from more than 7,000. Caravan organizers claim their numbers are growing.

They are escaping hate and persecution

Many of the migrants said they joined the caravan at the last moment, with a message on social media or local news story in Honduras that they were inspired to leave behind a homeland where they had long ago.

Honduran flags, the rainbow flag that Chantal Alejo and his friend, Stefani Rodriguez, carry stands out.

In the caravan migrant, the lucky ones manage to hitchhike. Others have to walk to a marathon or a United States.

Alejo is from Honduras, Rodriguez from El Salvador. Both are 27 and identify as transgender, making them part of a community that faces high rates of violence and persecution in many Latin American countries.

Chantal said she was posting her on the caravan.

"There's a lot of persecution and no work," she said of her country. She and Rodriguez are hopeful they can make it to Dallas, where they get pregnant.

They are separated from the US

Many migrants in the caravan learned everything they know about America through movies and TV shows but not Bryan Colindres.

Colindres was 6 years old when he and his mother moved from Honduras to the United States after his father's murder. He said he was never able to gain more citizenship than American Honduran.

Nearly 20 years later, Colindres' American life was interrupted by an immigration raid on the construction site where he worked. When he was deported, he left behind his wife and a 3-year-old daughter who is a US citizen.

Bryan Colindres joined the migrant caravan hoping to reunite with the wife and daughter he was forced to leave behind in America.

As soon as he arrived in Honduras, Colindres headed back north, eager to reunite with his daughter.

"She's the one who needs me the most and I do not want to go without me," he said. "I know what it's like to have a dad."

Colindres joined the caravans in Guatemala and, when the police stopped the bridge and connected the two countries, he and other migrants paid about $ 1.25 to be taken across the Suchiate river by raft.

He has left the caravan. Colindres took a bus to Guadalajara, where his perfect English helped him find a job.

Colindres said he hopes to earn enough money to eventually join his family in the US.

They are traveling with children

Resting on the road to Arriaga, Mexico, Iris and her group would like to stop and give them a ride.

Iris' younger brother, Freddy, appeared to be fast asleep in the sweltering heat, using his backpack for a pillow. Her nieces and nephews played with dirty stuffed animals by the side of the road.

"The journey has been hot, and walking under the sun is the toughest thing," said Iris, looking at the children, who were clearly exhausted.

The 21-year-old was confident they would be OK if they made it to New Jersey.

Iris sits holding her head in her family collapses in Arriaga, Mexico.

"I'll do whatever comes up, I'll take the first job that's available," she said.

Iris gave a weary sigh.

"Muchos (many)."

CNN's Nicole Chavez Contributed to this report.

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