A murder investigation was launched as a gardaí search house in connection with the disappearance of a woman


  Saoirse Smyth was missing in December last year "title =" Saoirse Smyth was missing in December last year "width =" 620 "height =" 774 "rel =" nofollow "/>
</span><figcaption>  Saoirse Smyth was missing in December last year </figcaption></figure>
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  • Murder investigation launched as a gardaí research house related to the disappearance of the woman


    Police and Gardaí investigating the disappearance of a woman late now believing that she may have been murdered.


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Police and gardaí investigate the disappearance of a woman at the end from last year now believe that she may have been murdered.

A call for missing persons concerning Saoirse Smyth, 28, was published in December 2017, but has never been found.

Today, Gardai and the Police Service of Northern Ireland have cordoned off a home in Omeath, Co Louth as part of their joint investigation

A PSNI News Release Released Today. He says that they now treat Ms. Smyth's disappearance as a potential murder.

Detective Chief Inspector Geoff Boyce said: "The investigation into Saoirse's disappearance has progressed, I now believe that Saoirse was unfortunately murdered."

"Saoirse was seen in the Belfast area in April 2017. She had very distinctive red hair and had no contact with her family or friends during this period, including on important dates like her birthday and Christmas, and it's very Unusual.

"Saoirse also did not respond to any of his family's requests on social media. This, along with other information obtained during the police investigation, leads me to believe that Saoirse may have been murdered. "

A 40-year-old man was arrested Wednesday night by PSNI in the Newry area on suspicion of Saoirse.

He remains in detention and is interrogated by detectives of Musgrave Serious Crime Suite.

Ms. Smyth's last known movements date back to Omeath in April 2017.

A spokesperson told Independent.ie, "An Garda Síochana has worked closely with our PSNI colleagues. on the disappearance of Mrs. Smyth and in this context a house in Omeath is examined by the staff of the Technical Office of Garda. "

" A Garda Síochána asks anyone with information about the disappearance of Mrs. Smyth to contact the room incidents at Dundalk Garda Station at 042 9388470 or the Garda Confidential Phoneline at 1800 666 111. "

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