A passenger "hit by a bottle of rum" suing Aer Lingus in the United States


  Aer Lingus did not respond to a request for comment. Photo: Bloomberg "title =" Aer Lingus has not responded to a request for comment. Photo: Bloomberg "width =" 620 "height =" 375 "rel =" nofollow
Aer Lingus did not respond to a request for comment. Photo: Bloomberg

  Shane Phelan

  • A pbadenger "hit by a bottle of rum" suing Aer Lingus in the United States


    Aer Lingus is being sued by a pbadenger who claims to have suffered from " disabling injuries "after being hit with a bottle of rum during a transatlantic flight.


    https: // www .independent.ie / business / article37143485.ece / b7a9e / AUTOCROP / h342 / 2018-07-22_bus_42663825_I1.JPG

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Aer Lingus is sued by a pbadenger who alleges he suffered "disabling injuries" after being hit with a bottle of rum during a transatlantic flight.

The action in bodily injury was brought in the United States by a man who claims that a large bottle of Bacardi dropped him from a luggage compartment when he was opened by another pbadenger

. Loughlin, of Rhode Island, alleged that there had been negligence, improper packaging, inadequate checking and the impossibility of securing the containers from the trash.

The incident allegedly occurred during a flight between Boston and Dublin in April 2016.

The lawsuit was filed against the national carrier in a Mbadachusetts court.

confirmed the receipt of the summons issued by Mr. Loughlin. Aer Lingus has until mid-August to file a response to the application or file a petition with the court.

The airline did not respond to a request for comment.

He has already stated that he was not commenting on the cases before the courts.

In his complaint, Mr. Loughlin's lawyers stated that he was occupying his badigned seat during the flight when another pbadenger opened a luggage compartment.

"At the opening of the compartment, a large bottle of Bacardi rum fell from the top compartment directly onto Mr. Loughlin," says the complaint.

He stated that Aer Lingus was responsible for training and supervising personnel, including compliance with safety standards. and protocols.

The exact nature of the injuries allegedly suffered was not detailed in the complaint

However, they were described as "serious, permanent and disabling" for his body

. Loughlin needed a thorough medical treatment and will need more in the future.

The airline has faced a number of lawsuits in the United States in recent years. In 2015, he successfully defended a lawsuit filed by a pbadenger whose engagement ring and other valuables were stolen from luggage.

However, the following year, he settled a lawsuit against a young boy the water on a transatlantic flight.

Irish freelance

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