A rare and recently discovered deep-sea coral off the west coast of Ireland


A team of Irish and British scientists identified newly discovered deepwater coral gardens and an entire sponge reef off the west coast of Ireland.

A type of "black coral" identified on the mission may be According to Dr. David O. Sullivan, chief scientist of the Marine Institute and Professor Louise Allbad of NUI Galway, an entirely new species

. Dr. O. Sullivan also notes that the sponge reef is the first habitat of this type discovered in Irish waters.

Dr. Kerry Howell, a scientist from the University of Plymouth, says she has not seen a sponge reef like this in 20 years of study from the deep Northeast Atlantic, and says that such features can provide

A three-week mission on the Irish ship Lights Granuaile undertook an audit of the environment of the deep Irish Sea in areas up to 300 nautical miles from Galway.

Images captured on the upin pig and Rockall Banks were recorded up to a depth of 2,991m, using the High Definition Vehicle Remote Control Vehicle (ROV) of the Marine Institute Holland 1 .

Several "firsts" recorded by the team in Irish waters included a species of "octocorail" of the genus Corallium including large coral fans with a fragile "porcelain" type skeleton "

  This delicate octocoral, Corallium, has never been recorded in Irish waters before." Photograph: Marine Institute
This delicate octocoral, Corallium, has never been recorded in Irish waters previously Photography: Marine Institute

"Bamboo coral is where the continental shelf goes deep into the Atlantic, and can be over 100 years old," said Professor Allbad

"Amazed by Diversity" [19659012] she explained, because of her black skeleton – takes on a brownish red or creamy white color, depending on the place.

Black coral is listed as an internationally protected species, as it was used to make jewelry in the tropics, "I knew we had some types here, but I'm amazed by the diversity," says the professor. Allbad

. Bright yellow Nefertiti crinoids, a type of featherstar, have also been found. Photograph: Marine Institute
Nefertiti crinoids bright yellow, a type of featherstar, have also been found. Photography: Marine Institute

Scientists have explained that coral reefs of cold water are ecosystems harboring a wide variety of marine animals, including "gorgonians, sponges, worms, starfish, crustaceans, and various species of fish , which are vital habitats for marine biodiversity. 19659002] "These fragile deep-water reefs are generally badociated with topographic features subject to strong bottom currents – for example, continental margins, seamounts and mid-ocean ridges". resembling a type of "marine snow" comprising many different materials at great depths.

 Gorgonocephalus - a star of the Ophiuroid basket, was also seen off the west coast. Photograph: Marine Institute
Gorgonocephalus – a star of the Ophiuroid basket, was also seen off the west coast. Photography: Marine Institute

The team of six scientists worked alongside six technicians "flying" the ROV on shifts. The ROV was deployed along three seabed sections during the 1,419 nautical mile voyage.

Up to 20,000 high-definition images of 50 sites will be badyzed further, while samples were also collected by the ROV. The marine environment of Ireland is part of the SeaRover project which started last year and the data will be transmitted first to the National Parks and Wildlife Service

. Evaluate the environment for any future offshore activity. Scientists have also indicated that this study provides an "overview" of the health of the existing special marine conservation areas off the coast of Ireland

. The National Survey of the Seabed of Ireland, Infomar, which is jointly managed by the Geological Survey of Ireland and the Institute of the Sea.

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