A scientist plans to use a giant laser to contact ALIENS by sending them a "Morse code" message via a powerful telescope



Technology already exists to create a planetary porch light to tell extraterrestrials that we are at home

A new study has suggested that a GIANT telescope could use a powerful laser to capture messages aimed at foreign astronomers.

The combination of a one to two megawatt laser and a 100 to 150 foot telescope would produce infrared radiation likely to attract attention up to 20,000. light-years away, indicates the search.

The laser would let extraterrestrials know that someone was at home

The laser would let extraterrestrials know that someone was at home

This combination would produce a beam of infrared radiation strong enough to distinguish itself from solar energy.

The signal would be detectable by extraterrestrials, especially if they lived in nearby systems, such as those located around Proxima Centaur, says the MIT study.

If the little green men detected the signal, it would be possible to send them a message in the form of impulses similar to the Morse code.

But the author of the study, James Clark, said that even if we made contact, the conversation would not be vain and pleasant.

The equipment used on the Air Force laser of the US Air Force is powerful enough to do the job


The equipment used on the Air Force laser of the US Air Force is powerful enough to do the job

The messages would be sent "at a data rate of about a few hundred bits per second, which would arrive in just a few years".

"It would be a difficult project, but not impossible," said Clark, whose study is published in The Astrophysical Journal.

"The types of lasers and telescopes built today can produce a detectable signal, so that an astronomer can look at our star and immediately see something unusual in his spectrum.

"I do not know if intelligent creatures around the sun would be their first hypothesis, but it certainly would attract more attention."

The creation of the device would use laser and telescope technologies already developed or at hand.

Clark calculated that the required laser was equivalent to the Airborne Laser of the US Air Force, a now-defunct military plane that was to use lasers to shoot down missiles.

Although the telescope is larger than anything currently on Earth, such gigantic telescopes are under construction.

They include the 24m Giant Magellan telescope and the extremely large 24m European telescope, both under construction in Chile.

"I wanted to see if I could take the types of telescopes and lasers we build today and make them a detectable beacon," Clark said.

The postgraduate student at the MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics said that the quest for extraterrestrial life was becoming more advanced "we can be more certain that, if E.T. calls, we will detect it".

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