"A small minority can terrorize communities," says Martin


The events of the last days in the North have shown how a small minority can terrorize communities, said Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin

"Construct dangerous bonfires in built-up areas, attack workers and burn political posters. The abusive slogans have nothing to do with celebrating a culture, "he said.

" This is nothing but sectarian thuggery. The apparent activity of East Belfast UVF is a major concern, as does dissident activity in Derry. The attempted murder of a police officer in Derry, the launch of 20 Molotov badtails and attacks on the small Protestant community in the Fountain district show a deliberate escalation of sectarian violence. "

He welcomed the joint declaration signed by six parties of the Assembly condemning the violence of recent days and the call for full cooperation with the police." This shows that there is an intercommunity opposition to the tiny minority who is trying to destabilize Northern Ireland and undermine progress. "


But he said during a Dáil debate on North and Brexit An Executive

A Voiceless Community "in a time of great uncertainty and historical challenges is dangerous in all circumstances," he said, but "potentially destructive" in a community with the history of the North. 19659008] disappointed that neither the Taoiseach nor the British Prime Minister will attend the British Irish Intergovernmental Conference to be held later this month, "given the magnitude and importance of the questions at stake. "

Tánaiste Simon Cov Eney states that the North needs the kind of leadership in its executive that community leaders show on the ground to ensure people's safety.

million. Coveney said people were right to worry "at the political deer" Those who think that the absence of government and the maintenance of the status quo in Northern Ireland is a safe strategy "are mistaken

But he said that "the determination we see in Derry to maintain our common peace is a source of inspiration for all of us in government and politics to continue to do all we can to ensure Good Friday agreement can work fully. through its political institutions. "

He called on politicians" to think about the language they use in order to create an atmosphere that handles the tensions we are currently seeing during the summer months. "

He said that they should" create a context in early September where we can return to a real political negotiation that can result in the formation of an executive. "

Ireland for All

Mary Lou McDonald, head of Sinn Féin, said her party" Represents a united, inclusive and equal Ireland, an Ireland for all, be it British, Irish , both or none.

"Those who want to take us back into the conflict, those who want to maintain communal division" would not prevail, she said.

Ms McDonald hailed the Intergovernmental Conference, but said: "It must be more than a talking shop Social Democrat TD Roisin Shortall has highlighted Brexit's concerns but said the British White Paper shows that "For Ireland, it is crucial to realize that a mild Brexit is not only desirable for the UK, but inevitable in many ways."

But she said that it It was not clear how the UK could limit EU migration to skilled workers and "simultaneously keep an open border between Northern Ireland and the Republic." It is not clear how this circle can be square. "

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