A wind farm goes to court for grid connection work


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  • A wind farm goes to the yard on network connection works


    A wind farm company went to court for its efforts to connect to the grid national


    https: // www.independent. ie / incoming / article36279635.ece / ca6bc / AUTOCROP / h342 / Shortage 20stock

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A wind farm company has gone to court as part of its efforts to connect to the national grid .

Derrysallagh Windfarm is scheduled to connect to the grid by December, but says that the risk of a farmer suing for cable traffic under a public road near his land could cause delays. The wind farm will include 12 wind turbines

The grid connection between the Derryssallagh wind farm at Knockroe, Derrysallagh, Co Sligo and the Garvaghy substation, Co Leitrim consists in placing the cable under the existing public road through various fields , including the lands of Thomas Lavin. Derreenavoggy, Arigna, Carrick on Shannon, Co Roscommon

Derrysallagh Windfarm Ltd seeks a statement that the farmer, who has threatened to be the subject of litigation, does not have a claim. has no right or title on the land under the public road the wind farm to perform connection work to the network.

On Monday, Judge Robnert Haugton admitted the case to the list of the Accelerated Court of Commerce.

Derrysallagh Windfarm Project Manager Denis Calnan stated in an affidavit that work on the grid would not be completed. The company will have committed more than 50 million euros of capital expenditure without any return.

million. Lavin said that the owner of the land adjacent to the road connection to the wind farm network. Mr. Lavin claims to own land under the public highway where the wind farm was connected to the grid between November 2016 and May 2017.

The wind generator intends to resume connection work network once final authorizations have been obtained, Calnan said.

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