A young dog "fit and healthy" dies after being brought to walk in the heat of the 21C.


For many of us, our pet is a key part of the family – the furry friend who complements our homes.

That's why Sunday the news of the death of a dog was particularly painful.

TheAfricanChampionshipwasprocededinGreatwesternGroundoftheEastChallengewasdrivingCharestCompetitive Associations to Warn Animal Owners to Be Careful During the Annihilation

The RSPCA explained: "This morning we were informed that a local dog was dead of ## 147 ############################################################################################################################################# Heat stroke after being walked at 9 am when the temperature was 21 ° C. and healthy

"Despite the many warnings about the heat, we continue to see dogs go to the shops , at the school run or as soon as the owners arrive from work.

"We understand the crucial nature of walking your dog, but keep in mind that walking at high temperatures may He added," It does not matter if your dog is white, young, not a bull breed or accustomed to heat. Be aware of his needs. "

Dogs suffering from heat stroke can …

  • Start to twist excessively
  • Start to stagger while walking
  • Start having seizures
  • Have a high body temperature
  • Have a dark red or shiny tongue
  • Have sticky or dry gums
  • Start to vomit

If you suspect that your dog is having heat stroke …

  • Bring them to a cool and shady place
  • Call a vet immediately
  • Immerse them in cold water (not cold)
  • Give them water – but gradually

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