A young waitress attacks a customer who shoots her at a fork in a pizzeria – before the police stop her for assault


A 21-year-old waitress in a pizzeria gave a customer the shock of her life when she slammed it to the ground after grabbing her bad.

Emelia Holden arranged the menus when the man walked behind her Marveled at what had happened, Emelia threw herself into the action, grabbed the man by the collar of his T and tucked him on a nearby chair before giving him a part of his mind.

Emelia said: "I just did what I thought was best: I went down the guy and asked my colleagues to call the police." 19659002 "As soon as the cops saw the CCTV video, they immediately arrested the man … He remained in jail until Monday, so in my opinion, he got what he deserved."

Emelia Holden said that the man "had what he deserved"

"All I want from my experiences is that women know that it's good to defend oneself."

"You are perfectly entitled to wear what you want and you certainly have the right to defend yourself. "

The incident, which occurred in a few seconds, was captured on CCTV.

Police were called to the scene and a man was immediately arrested after the pictures were shown to the police.

The incident took place at Vinne Van GoGo's pizzeria in downtown Savannah, Georgia, just before 11pm on Saturday, June 30th.

seen grabbing her behind

She comes into action immediately

She catches him by the pbad of his t -shirt

The man was released on Monday, July 2nd.

The CCTV The video begins by showing waitress Emelia taking control of another table in the restaurant patio. She ends up taking orders from the table and brings their menus back to the restaurant counter.

Meanwhile, the male client starts walking toward her.

While Emelia sorts restaurant menus and orders, the man reaches his he's away and takes hold of his arm.

He moves away but Emelia pursues him immediately.

She catches him by the back of his red T-shirt and puts him in a lurch before pushing the man down. the ground

And the slap on a neighboring chair

Before giving him a part of his mind

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It falls and crushes on the floor next to the restaurant counter. While he is resting there, Emelia scolds him and gives him a conversation …

Emelia then sees her colleagues calling the police before the end of the video.

Social media users applauded the courage of Emelia's behavior. Jacob Greene commented that Emelia's vengeance was the "Perfect Reply!"

Meanwhile Gas Skeer said "Bravo to her .. Lack of respect"

While Dillion Howard added: "Dude got what he deserved."

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