A young woman reveals how she was prepared to die


A young woman recounted how she prepared herself for the death of a Ryanair Dublin flight that dropped 20,000 feet.

Librarian Elisha Reamonn was flying this Friday night with her boyfriend Cuan Rynhart. forced to make an emergency descent to Frankfurt, Germany

Oxygen masks fell from the upper compartments when the aircraft began the rapid landing, continuously plunging for seven minutes of flight. ; row.

In a tweet, Elisha said that she thought "True goner" and that she "just wanted the end to come quickly."

She said that there was "a sizzle" in the ears and "tremendous eye pressure" as well as an intense burning

first thought that the plane was on fire.

She said: "I put my hand in the aisle and I told him" I love you "to Cuan

tried to write a message on my p honed in case it was going to be my last to my family, but I could not see properly.My eyes seemed to come out of my head

"An automated ad on the aircraft's speaker system has repeated the expression "emergency descent" three times

"Pbadengers said that after leveling the plane, a crew member"

The landing pressure blew many pbadengers from the ears and mouth.

An image broadcast online shows blood splashed inside.

Elisha said the cabin crew on FR7312 was very helpful during the descent and tried to help all pbadengers.

She said: "I appreciate so much the staff on the flight, and everyone I am so grateful to the pilot for saving us on the ground.

"But it took 30 minutes of breathing in the oxygen mask, trying to hold my ears with pain while still being fully convinced I will die." [19659005] Read More

After Landing at the airport, Elisha sought medical help for her eyes and ears, but refused to be put on a drip because she believed that other people in needed.

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