Abroad in America: 'Why Does It Cost So Much? Money to Run for Office?'


"Looking past the apparent faults of Trump, and the support of the evangelical movement, what do they see in their hopes? Do they believe he can deliver something to them no one else can, or is it just that people are so sick of politics and politicians that this is a black eye to try and change the system? "- Brent Smith, Ireland, originally from New Zealand

A number of readers have heard similar comments and questions, reflecting a shared perception of liberals in the United States. This is particularly true in Canada and in the European Union, both of which have been treated with unexpected scorn by the president.

These questions are so fundamental and so profound – they speak so much to what many Americans hear when we speak to non-Americans – that I do not feel I can address them without help. Barry Alexander, who's from Jackson, Tenn., And wrote in with this to say about Mr. Trump and his appeal:

"The president is very different in the modern age. Everyone should try to keep his 'style' and 'personality' separate from his policies and proposals. I would not tweet it, it's not a country, and it's a lot of other style attributes.

The president also has a style of politics that today is working. You or I might not like it, but he beat a large field of Republicans, and of course Hillary Clinton as well. He is quite predictable, he – will he needs Congress – try to keep them. He puts our country first and, I feel, does not really care if we are popular around the world. In fact, if we are that way they are taking advantage of us. "

There's a lot to discuss here. Please keep the questions and comments coming in to [email protected].

It's quite clear that something uniquely horrifying happened to Jamal Khashoggi, the dissident Saudi journalist who walked into the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

But he was in fact drugged, tortured, killed and then dismembered with a bone saw, Mr. Khashoggi's non-reappearance has created a very unpleasant problem for the United States. Saudi Arabia is the country's biggest ally, trading partner and arms in the Middle East, and a key player in the campaign against Iran, an object of the president's particular ire.

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