Accountants earn an average of nearly € 110,000


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  Gavin McLoughlin

  • Accountants Earn Nearly € 110,000 On Average

    The Average Compensation of an Accountant at Leinster has reached nearly 110,000 euros. .ece / d68fc / AUTOCROP / h342 / 2018-05-17_bus_40995126_I1.JPG

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The average remuneration package for a Chartered Accountant in Leinster has reached nearly € 110,000.

The figure includes salary, auto allowances and bonuses, and shows that accountants are in high demand, according to the Chartered Accountants Industry Group Ireland.

The group reported the average salary for a chartered accountant in their first year after qualifying is € 61,044. For those with five years of experience, it is 74 706 €.

He said that 23pc of respondents to the survey had a company car or car allowance, 18pc get stock options, and 48pc were enrolled in an occupational health insurance plan.

The survey of more than 1100 accountants has a strong demand for chartered accountants, with potential for increasing earnings and considerable career opportunities in many fields, including business, public firms, government, and the sector. volunteer, "said Lorna Larkin, President of Leinster. The largest employer of new graduates in Ireland is therefore good news for the economy as a whole and for graduates as the chartered accountants market remains buoyant, "she said.

"We see more positions available in companies and firms in Ireland for graduates from all backgrounds. "

Nearly half of those polled had been promoted in the past three years.But the profession – like many others – faces challenges from the evolution of technology." Fayezul Choudhury , the head of the International Federation of Accountants, told the "Sunday Independent" in 2016 that advances in data processing capacity raise questions about the role of human beings.

"L & # The effect of technology on all professions, including the accounting profession, is going to be very profound because if you have so much processing capacity, it can be said that artificial intelligence becomes much more realistic, even likely, "Mr. Choudhury says," Given that one of the distinguishing features of a profession is the exercise of judgment, you can have the technical rules, but when you add value, that's all. " is the judge's exercise technically. "

you can certainly put a lot of technical rules in the technology, you can do it today.but if artificial intelligence can start to exercise judgment … it diminishes the role of the 39, being human

"Changes are under way and trying to identify problems and how to get ahead of them is obviously important."

The change in technology also presents opportunities for businesses to profit. Software mogul Pearse Mee supported AccountsIQ, an Irish company that produces cloud accounting software.

The software is designed to make it easier for companies to perform accounting functions in multiple entities.

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