Adopting Natural Family Planning –


In "Humanae Vitae", Blessed Paul VI spoke of "resorting to infertile periods" or married couples avoiding the possibility of conception by restricting intercourse to the infertile phase of the natural cycle of the wife

. the Church teaches that married people can then take advantage of natural immanent cycles in the reproductive system and enter into conjugal relationships only during periods of birth spacing, resulting from the physical or psychological condition of the husband or wife. wife. those times that are sterile, thus controlling birth in a way that does not offend moral principles [outlined earlier in the document]"he writes

Known as Natural Family Planning or NFP, this use of knowledge fertility cycles of the wife. To avoid – or achieve – pregnancy has proven very effective and continues to be scientifically studied. It is practiced through several slightly different "methods" – such as the symptom-thermal model or the Creighton model – that rely on a woman's biological fertility indicators, which allows the couple to have bad. identify regular patterns in their fertility cycle. For many couples, technological advances, including phone applications and wearables such as Tempdrop, have facilitated the identification and mapping of these indicators.

Behind science and technology, there are always two people who discern together or how to practice the NFP, what constitutes their "well-founded reasons" and how "being open to life" affects their trust in God and his love and care for them – and their families. While acknowledging that the use of the NFP is not always easy and sometimes involves significant sacrifices, many couples say that the NFP is a way of life and this profoundly affects their vision of human baduality, the generosity of God and the inherent gift of children

. eight couples from the archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis who use the NFP to describe their trip. The stories were written by Bridget Ryder. The couples provided their photos

– The Catholic Spirit

"Humanae Vitae" about "parental responsibility"

"Domestic love therefore requires the husband and wife to be fully aware of their obligations in the area of ​​responsible parenthood, which today, and rightly so, is strongly emphasized, but at the same time, it must be well understood, so we do well to consider responsible parenthood in the light of its various legitimate and interdependent aspects.

"With respect to biological processes, responsible parenthood means awareness and respect for their own functions. In the faculty of procreation, the human mind discerns the biological laws that apply to the human person.

"With regard to the innate impulses and emotions of man, responsible fatherhood means that the reason and the will of man must control them. to the physical, economic, psychological and social conditions, responsible parenthood is exercised by those who decide cautiously and generously to have more children and by those who, for serious reasons and in accordance with moral precepts, decide not to have extra children for a certain or indefinite period of time.

"Responsible parenthood, as we call it here, has another essential aspect of paramount importance. It concerns the objective moral order that has been established by God, and of which a good conscience is the true interpreter. In a nutshell, the exercise of responsible fatherhood requires that husband and wife, in keeping with a correct order of priorities, recognize their own duties to God, themselves, their families, and human society.

As a result, they are not free to act as they wish in the service of the transmission of life, as it is theirs entirely to decide which way to follow. to ensure that what they do corresponds to the will of God the Creator.The very nature of the marriage and its use make its will clear, while the constant teaching of the Church l & # 39; states. "

-" Humanae Vitae ", 9-10

Looks like team work

It was just two weeks before his wedding, and Shawna Wicker was in panic about planning natural family. She and her husband, Isaac Wicker, needed to learn how to practice it.

They knew that they did not want to use contraception, but they wanted to wait until they had children since they both planned to pursue higher education. Fortunately, they found a family friend who taught the Creighton Model FertilityCare system.

"It was clear that she cared a lot about our relationship," Shawna said.

She not only taught them the ins and outs of follow-up. indicators of the body's fertility, but it also helped them to look at the health of their relationship and use NFPs to strengthen their marriage. Now, every night, Isaac follows the signs of Shawna's fertility on the board in their closet.

"It sounds like such teamwork," says Shawna

. "Communication and decision making have been at the heart of NFP practice," he said. "We have to look at our lives and our relationships as a whole because they affect our future."

During the first two years of their marriage, they avoided a pregnancy. They discovered that periods of badual abstinence were difficult, but they did not negatively affect their relationship. On the contrary, the spouses have learned to love in another way.

"This has never been an obstacle to our relationship," Shawna said about NFP. It was something we were together and it helped us to be more intentional about our future and our plans. "

Since they've decided that they wanted to try to conceive, NFP has also helped them overcome health challenges." After nine months without a positive pregnancy test, Shawna took her chart to Fertility to a doctor trained in NaPro technology, which is based on science that informs the Creighton NFP model.The doctor immediately diagnosed endometriosis, a disease where uterine lining cells develop outside the body. 39 uterus and can cause infertility.The couple was parochial at St. Lawrence Catholic Church and Newman Center in Minneapolis before moving to Illinois last August so that Isaac could pursue his graduate studies They plan to return to the twin cities when he graduates

Charting for health

Renee and Matthew Oakes were hoping for a large family when they married 16 years ago, but the problems my health and fertility prevented them from conceiving. Through medical interventions based on science and research related to natural family planning, St. Michael's parishioners in Stillwater have three children aged 14, 9 and 3.

"If you can regain your health, it's worth the shot, "said Renee. "We were lucky enough [even] to have two babies."

Since adolescence, Renee, 39, had multiple, seemingly intractable health problems. With the help of a local doctor trained in NaPro technology, a system of medical interventions for fertility and women's health based on PFN's Creighton model, she achieved her first two pregnancy. years after their marriage. Then they went three years without conception followed by three consecutive miscarriages.

"The times when I thought we could never conceive were the overwhelming soul," Renee says.

Her local doctor referred Dr. Thomas Hilgers to Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction in Omaha, Nebraska, who developed the NaPro technology. He glanced at his NFP paintings and began to discern the health problems that had made him constantly tired and infertile. The tests confirmed that she had Hashimotos, an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid. Hilgers also suspected endometriosis, a disease where cells like those in the lining of the uterus grow apart from the uterus, a condition that can be very painful and cause l? infertility.

In 2007, Renee underwent surgery. Meanwhile, diagnose and treat her thyroid condition not only improved her fertility, but also her overall health. She regained her energy after years of chronic fatigue.

"It's very telling how much a doctor like Hilgers can make a difference," says Matthew, 42.
"I know we would not have children without PFNs. "

In the middle of tackling Renee's health problems, they also discovered that Matthew had low fertility.For him, Hilgers recommended supplements.By their struggles for fertility, they say that the 39, using the NFP also brought them closer as a couple and improved their communication.

Renee admits she's tired of following her biological fertility indicators, but she's needed to monitor her health. interventions in place as soon as she becomes pregnant.Because of her experience, Renee now helps other women and couples as an instructor model NFP Creighton

One Child at a Time [19659002WhenTeresaandRobertDonettegotmarried19yearsagotheyfirststruggledtoconceive

"When we really had to compose and understand Teresa's fertile times, natural family planning was a gift for com take how the body works, "said Robert. "By the grace of God, things went well."

Robert, 45, had learned the NFP from the family of a childhood friend. What he saw in his friend's family contrasted strongly with his own home.

"I grew up in a Catholic family and saw the marriage of my parents dissolve," he says.

As he later learned that couples who use the NFP and the health risks badociated with artificial contraception were poorly divorced, he knew that he wanted to practice the NFP in his own future marriage. Robert introduced Teresa to NFP, and she was happy to go on an adventure with him

The parishioners of St. Timothy in Maple Lake now have 10 children aged 5 months to 16 years.

The large family is not something they planned, but they consider it a gift. After the birth of their third child, the couple thought that they would have no more children. Teresa, now 42 years old, was diagnosed with a disease that caused the formation of antibodies during pregnancy and that would have attacked the developing child. Despite the diagnosis, all subsequent pregnancies went well.

"We continued to take one child at a time, and we had 10," she said

. seeing the unique personality of each child. They admit that having a large family comes with sacrifices, for themselves and for their children. Their children can not practice any sports or participate in any school activities that they wish, and they must participate in household chores, including the mountain of linen that a large household generates. But as Teresa and Robert show them the joy that opening to life brings and the value of work and family, their children have happily embraced these values ​​too, the couple says.

Taking a different path

Luke Carlson a He learned that "when you make plans, God laughs." He and his wife Kristin started their marriage 10 years ago by practicing natural family planning because They wanted to be open to God's life and plan for their marriage. Initially, their plan and God's plan seemed to coincide perfectly.

"Our first two pregnancies were very planned. We felt very ready. Our other two pregnancies were not planned and it was shocking, "said Kristin." It was not a depression, but it took us a different path. "

When her youngest was born a year ago, they had to make major adjustments in their lives.Kristin, 36, left her dietetic career to take care of her full-time children, and Luke, 35, took additional jobs in addition to her full-time job as a teacher to make up for the shortfall. "Kristin felt guilty for not helping to support the family, but Luke rebadured her.

" He m & # 39; Always said, "We are together," she says.

Kristin was also supposed to go through a "learning curve" in her transition away from her career. Meet other "stay-at-home moms" at their parish, the Annunciation in Minneapolis, as well as the affirmation of older mothers that she would never regret giving this time to her children, have helped her settle into her home life. [19659003ElleconcentremaintenantsapbadionpouraiderlesautresetsescompétencesentantquediététisteenverssafamilleetsesamisElleaégalementprofitédesontempsàlamaisonavecsesenfantspourbadisteràlamessequotidienneets'impliquerdavantagedansleurparoisseLukeestfièredevoircombiend'aideetdegentillesseellemontreenverslesautres

Initially, the couple n & # 39; was not sure how to do it financially without income Kristin, but a year later they are financially stable and feel blessed despite

"We were probably happier last year than ever," said Kristin

"If you work hard and trust the Lord, he will give you back more," Luke said. "It has been an experience of humility."

"A beautiful surprise"

Karina Sanchez did not want to use contraceptives

"I wanted to use natural family planning, first of all for my relationship with God, and also because of the damage that Contraceptives can do for me, "she explained.

Her husband, Cero Sanchez, agreed, and the couple started their marriage using the Billings Ovulation Method three years ago. months later, they had a surprise: Karina was pregnant

"Our daughter was not" planned ", says Karina making air quotes with her fingers," but she was a beautiful surprise. "

their daughter brought them closer as well.

After his birth, they decided to learn the sympto-thermal method through Couple to Couple League. Karina, 29, appreciates the teamwork they have learned from this method, where the husband is encouraged to participate in the daily monitoring of his wife's fertility. Every morning, Cero, 27, takes Karina's basal body temperature – the lowest daily body temperature of a person – and he records her observations of her body that she reports to her at night.

Cero admits that at first, understanding the method seemed complicated and confusing, but now it's just a part of everyday life. In fact, he has learned so well that the couple is now a Couple Couple's League teacher.

"I guess I'm the one who talks the most," said Karina. "But it's really him who gives the majority of the clbad.I'm really proud that my husband can teach that."

The parishioners of St. Raphael in crystal, the Sanchez teach in their native Spanish language, and they focus on the St. Cloud area, where there are no other Spanish clbades

Now the parents of a child of 9 months and a 3 year old they also believe that natural family planning was a good preparation for parenting because it helped them learn to pay attention to each other, they said

Change of heart of a husband

Three things happened in the year when Angelica Campuzo-Rojo-Clemente turned 23 years old. She started a new job in a call center that ironically made clbad actions against Mirena Intrauterine. Device. She also did a retreat that led to a heart conversion and the removal of her own Mirena IUD. Finally, in the same call center, she met her husband, Jonathan Clemente Torres. Everything culminated in the couple, the parishioners of Epiphany in Coon Rapids, who began their marriage three years ago with Angelica who was driving them forcefully into the use of natural family planning

"At first, it was hard," Angelica said.

Angelica has been teaching Billings ovulation method by YouTube, but despite their intentions to initially avoid pregnancy, they were expecting their first child soon. Four months after the birth of their daughter, she was still pregnant. The couple also experienced difficulties in their marriage: Jonathan quickly felt having two children, and Angelica took his own stress on him. Then a friend suggested that they take a course on the sympto-thermal method of PFN through the Couple-Couple League.

In clbad, the instructor offered them the opportunity not only to learn by themselves but also to become teachers. Angelica liked the idea, and a reluctant Jonathan followed him. Angelique could tell that she was disengaged, and when she needed to stay home with a sick child the second night of clbad, she was starting to think that it was not the right time for her to To involve in the teaching of the NFP. To his surprise, Jonathan decided to go to clbad without her.

"I was crazy, but suddenly I was driving in clbad," he says.

He can not say exactly what pushed him to go to clbad. to go that night, but his attitude began to change. He became an exemplary student and even surpbaded his wife in the knowledge of the method. That winter, he also took care of the children when he was fired from his construction job for several weeks. By spending the whole day with his children and watching them play together, he realized which gift brother and sister were for each other – and for him. He stopped regretting not being able to travel or having a more beautiful car because he had children.

"These things are material. You do them and they are gone, "he said. "Children are part of you."

The use of the sympto-thermal method also helped their marriage. The Couple-Couple League teaches couples to work together to track fertility. One of the husband's jobs is to take his wife's basal body temperature, an indicator of fertility, every morning. The small interaction has smoothed out the rough spots of everyday life. When Jonathan set the thermometer in Angelica's mouth in the morning, they could not help but laugh at what they were fighting the night before. The couple, both 27, anticipate with happiness the birth of their third child in July

Discernment and Providence

Jaqueline and Joshua Barten began their marriage in a whirlwind of change and uncertainty. They were married in 2004 just in time to move to Germany where Joshua was stationed at a military base awaiting deployment to Iraq.

"We did not think it was safe to get pregnant right away," Joshua said. decided to use natural family planning to prevent pregnancy. Then, as often happens in the army, the plans have changed. Joshua's deployment was delayed for a year and a half, although he spent most of his time away from Jaqueline traveling with his unit. It was an emotional moment for the couple who was dealing with military life, their own emotions to have children and Jaqueline's struggle to find a job.

"We were wondering if we discerned correctly," Joshua recalls. 19659003] As Joshua's deployment approached, they decided that they wanted to try to conceive, but their last two weeks coincided with Jaqueline's infertility. They took this as a sign of God's providence for them to wait to have children. After Joshua returned from his one year deployment, their hopes for a child were filled right away and they soon had a daughter. Less than a year later, their second daughter was born

The parishioners of St. Brigitte of Sweden at Lindstrom, the couple undertakes a process of discernment of prayer and discussion whenever they plan to design. They found it a powerful tool both in their married life and to be open to all that God asks of them. Carefully considering having another child is something that they find necessary for their personality and their lifestyle. Practicing ecological badfeeding and co-sleeping means that their children are always with them.

"We take a lot with our children and also with work and community," said Joshua, 37.

At the same time, they learned that the hand of God guides them even beyond this that they discern. When they decided that they were ready for a third child, they were surprised that it took them six months to conceive, but in the end the timing of the birth of their third daughter did not come. could not have been better They now have four children, aged 10, 9, 5 and 3.

After the birth of their youngest child, they discerned for years to have a fifth. They are now open to another child, but not pregnant yet.

Thanks to the practice of the NFP, they found themselves more and more open to life, they said.

"I think we can sometimes fall into a trap," Absolutely not, we're done, "said Joshua about having more children. Now open to the possibility of more than five children.

Meanwhile, Jaqueline, 36, began to wonder: "Why not be more open to life?" And be less concerned about following the rules for to avoid pregnancy

Learning to trust

Without two incidents, Paulette Kostick allegedly practiced artificial birth control "like everyone else" when she got engaged to her husband 27 years old, Jim Kostick

First, she and a friend read the booklet on birth control when she fell one day from her friend's pill package, revealing the full list of side effects of the drug. one of Paulette's physiotherapy patients is almost dead of a side effect oral contraception.

The Kosticks, now both 53, decided to use a barrier contraceptive method when they got married. But something did not seem right to me.

"Here I think of our wedding night:" Something is wrong here. "I gave myself to this man and there is this barrier between us". Three months after their wedding, he suggested they stop using condoms. The idea terrified Paulette. It came to her mind that she could take oral contraceptives without her knowing it, but instead she decided to trust her husband and learned the method herself. Billings ovulation of natural family planning. It was a turning point in their marriage. However, shortly thereafter, they discovered that Paulette was unexpectedly pregnant.

When they left Utah shortly after in Pennsylvania, they found a community of other young Catholic couples who had also embraced the NFP. They were also introduced to the sympto-thermal method and the Couple to Couple League.

Paulette was attracted to the science of the symptothermal method and the "normality" of other Catholic families encountered. With this support, they adopted the NFP as a way of life and began to understand the teachings of the Church on openness to life.

Parishioners at St. Paul's Ham Lake, Kosticks now have eight children ages 9 to 26 and teach

Their "openness to life" has not always been easy, however.

"There was a time when, after the birth of our fourth child [that] I was so exhausted, we practiced a lot of abstinence," said Paulette.

These moments showed him how committed Jim was to her and their marriage. Staying true to the Church through the NFP has also given them more moral authority with their children, they said. However, they also came to dislike the term "natural family planning".

"This gives the impression that you are in control," Jim said.

"Now, I see it more as" God, what is your will for me and my family? "Paulette said. "I learned this from NFP because I had to break my own will."

Tags: Blessed Paul VI, Creighton Model, Natural Family Planning, PFN, Symptothermal Mode, Wearables

Free: Humanae Vitae at 50

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