Among critics, Australian bets on Bitcoin prizes exceed $ 288k here 2023


  Amid Criticisms, Australian Million Punter Millions on Bitcoin Price Exceeding $ 288k Here 2023

The Last Two Months Can not Be Last December, Bitcoin was worth $ 20,000, but dropped to $ 6,000 around June and is currently trading at $ 6,250 at the time.

The drastic drop in price is related to the constant attacks of cybercriminals, ICOs, scams and other frivolities that gave big wigs in the traditional sector, the desired opportunity to kick the virtual currency into motion .

among them is the 4th richest man in the world, Warren Buffet, who unanimously described Bitcoin as "rat poison" and his right-hand man in Berkshire Hathaway Charlie Munger typing Bitcoin as "arti"

All these vibrations Negative ignited a Bitcoin believer who bet a huge bet worth 8.5 million Australian dollars ($ 6.3 million) .In 2023, the price of Bitcoin will exceed the price of one. share of Berkshire Hathaway


The virtual exchange market is not at its best since prices fall drastically, investors lose their confidence and traders make nightmares about the irregularities that occur in the blockchain industry, especially the biggest of all, the Bitcoin.

The tragic fall of Bitcoin in the first quarter of the year surprised most investors because most of it they smiled at the bank because of the high price of virtual money.

It reached an all-time high of $ 20,000, which allowed more people to take advantage of the windfall, but in the first half of 2018, Bitcoin suffered setbacks, losing value and affecting other cryptocurrences. crypto world

Despite all this an unknown Australian who firmly believes in the future of crypto has put his money where he stands by placing a huge amount of money, that by 2023, the price of A bitcoin will be worth more than the $ 288,000 stock of Berkshire Hathaway.

The Punter met a popular bookmaker Tom Waterhouse who will keep the bet for him, and if that turns out to be true, the lucky man could simply walk away with $ 1.2 billion ($ 888 million) of dollars)

The bookmaker tweeted that "Big Bet: a well-known Crypto expert has just applied for a stake of 8.5 million Australian dollars to earn $ 1.2 billion that a Bitcoin will surpbad the price of an action Berkshire Hathaway (about 280,000 dollars) by 2023. The put in contact with "

Despite the criticisms of Mr. Buffet, he recognized the potential of the blockchain , which is the technology behind Bitcoin.

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