Another Trump Inflatable Sail Sets – This Time It's a Chicken


After the "Trump Baby" airship was introduced in Britain during President Donald Trump's recent visit, the San Francisco protesters released their "Trump Chicken" balloon Sunday for another crossing of the San Francisco.

The Trump Chicken, which wears prison stripes and is labeled "Prisoner 45", was first seen in April 2017 during the San Francisco Tax March, said organizer Danelle Morton at KNTV.

On Sunday, he sailed around the island of Alcatraz, site of the old prison, which the organizers called "the henhouse."

The 33 foot Trump Chicken is just one of a growing number of inflatables being used to protest the policies and actions of the president in the office.

Dozens of GoFundMe campaigns are looking for money to bring Trump Baby airships to various US cities. New Jersey community organizers have raised enough money to buy four balloons, but some campaigns have not yet received donations.

Trump supporters are also turning to GoFundMe to raise money for the Make America Great Again balloons and to counter the inflatable Trump.

And Trump is apparently at least aware of some of the balloons. While he was in Britain, Trump told The Sun newspaper that the Trump Baby airship made him feel "unwelcome" in London

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