Arrest for murder of a girl on the Scottish island


A teenager was arrested as part of the murder of a six-year-old girl on the island of Bute, Scotland.

Alesha MacPhail lodged with relatives of the island when she was reported missing in the early morning

Her body was found in the woods near her grandmother's house in the town of Rothesay a few hours later.

A post-mortem examination confirmed that she had been murdered.

Alesha, a pupil at Chapelside Airdrie Elementary School, North Lanarkshire, was a few days in a three week break on the island when she was found dead.

There was increased police activity today in Bute, 65km from Glasgow off the northwestern coast of Britain.

More than a dozen policemen entered the garden with sticks to search the lands and bushes

A salvage truck removed a black Dacia car from the back of the house. Earlier confirmed t A number of items, including a vehicle, had been recovered as part of the investigation.

The first vehicle was reportedly removed by agents on Monday or Tuesday.

"Our absolute priority is to catch the person responsible for this horrible act as quickly as possible," Superintendent Stuart Houston

told reporters. "Incidents like this are extremely rare, but we are still in the early stages of this investigation and we ask people to be vigilant about their children and also about the security of their household and the island community should come together at times like this. "[19659002] Additional officers were brought from the mainland to hunt the killer and police officers patrolled around the clock.

DS Houston stated that Alesha's family was "utterly devastated" When he died, he added: "Alesha had many friends who, no doubt, will find it very difficult to understand why they will never see their friend again."

"For such a young girl to have her life taken away is incomprehensible. sible. "

Tributes were paid to Alesha, who was a pupil at Chapelside Elementary School in Airdrie, North Lanarkshire, where the principal said she would be" greatly missed. " "

The flowers, teddy bears and balloons were left on the sidewalk outside of a property on Ardbeg Road.

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