At the behest of Netanyahu, the EU ambassador summoned for a reprimand on the nation-state bill – Israel News


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday ordered the Foreign Ministry to summon and reprimand Emanuele Giaufret, the ambbadador of the European Union, for pressuring some Israeli lawmakers against the proposed law. of the nation-state.

The director general of the ministry, Yuval Rotem, was responsible for calling the envoy. The Prime Minister's Office added that "additional measures" would be taken.

Israeli news reporter Yaron Avraham reported that Giaufret had recently approached Likud deputies and told them that if the nation-state bill were enacted, the international status of Israel could be damaged.

"It is not enough for the EU to fund non-governmental organizations that are striving to undermine the state of Israel and fund illegal construction, it is now interfering with the law. apparently they do not understand that Israel is a sovereign state, "said Netanyahu's statement.

A diplomat from an EU state told Haaretz that this decision was "hypocritical on the part of Netanyahu, who interferes himself with the legislation of other countries – the states United States, for example ".

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Legislation, which would have a status similar to the Constitution, would give priority to Jewish values ​​rather than to democratic values ​​in the state. A controversial clause would allow the establishment of communities that are separated by religion or nationality, and was criticized earlier this week by President Reuven Rivlin.

Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit, meanwhile, warned Netanyahu on Tuesday of possible implications for Israel on the international stage if the bill is pbaded in its current form.

In recent years, the EU has become a punching bag for many right-wing Israeli politicians, including Netanyahu. But behind the scenes, figures and budgets show that the links between Israel and the EU are really strengthening.

In a previous interview, Giaufret told Haaretz that "relations between Israel and the European Union, if you look at the facts, are very strong, diverse and growing."

Netanyahu is eager to pbad the nation-state bill before the Knesset breaks for the summer vacation next week. He has already voted a vote in the Knesset and is now at the commission stage before two other potential votes.

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