Banking industry wants to address banking culture


A public consultation to inform the establishment of a new, independent Irish Banking Culture Board opens today.

The Board is an initiative of the banking industry aiming to rebuild trust in the sector and embed a customer-first culture. 

Members of the public are invited to share their views via an online survey – – to guide the structure and membership of the Board, as well as its work programme.

Marion Kelly, Programme Director of the Irish Banking Culture Board Establishment Office described the move as a “vital first step in rebuilding trust in the banking sector” and changing banking culture in Ireland. “The industry recognises that people’s confidence in the sector has been damaged and the creation of this independent Board is part of a determined effort by the banks to introduce real and lasting cultural reform, for the benefit of those who matter most: our customers.”

The online consultation, which is open for six weeks, provides an opportunity for the public to share opinions on the qualities and experience they deem most important for the Board’s membership, the priority areas that its work programme should focus on and how the body should engage with key stakeholders, such as bank customers, the wider public and Government.

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