Best Cabinet Approvals: July 19, 2018


The Cabinet of Ministers chaired the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the BRICS and the Regional Aviation Partnership

• The Cabinet of the Union chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the BRICS on cooperation within the framework of the regional aviation partnership. The BRICS countries include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
• The main objective of the Memorandum of Understanding is that the BRICS countries benefit from the establishment of an institutional framework for cooperation in the field of civil aviation.
• Areas of cooperation include public policies and best practices in regional services, regional airports, airport infrastructure management and air navigation services, technical cooperation among regulatory agencies, innovation , environmental sustainability.
• The Memorandum of Understanding represents an important milestone in civil aviation relations between India and other BRICS member states and could boost trade, investment , tourist and cultural between BRICS countries. and Cuba on cooperation in traditional systems of medicine

• The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given its approval a posteriori to the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the United States and the United States. India and Cuba on cooperation in the field of traditional systems of medicine and homeopathy. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed on June 22, 2018.
• The Memorandum of Understanding will strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the areas of traditional systems of medicine and homeopathy. This will be of paramount importance for both countries considering their shared cultural heritage.
• Traditional systems of medicine in India include Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homeopathy. These systems hold enormous potential in the global health scenario.

The Cabinet of Ministers chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Central Organization for Drug Control (CDSCO), India and the National Agency for the Control of Drugs and Medicines. Food Products (BPOM), Indonesia, on Cooperation in the Field of Pharmaceutical Products, Pharmaceutical Substances, Regulatory Functions for Biological Products and Cosmetics. The memorandum of understanding was signed on May 29, 2018 in Jakarta.
• The protocol will establish a framework for fruitful cooperation and exchange of information between the two countries on the regulation of pharmaceuticals on the basis of equality, reciprocity and reciprocity. advantage.
• It will also facilitate better understanding between the regulatory authorities of both countries and facilitate the export of pharmaceuticals by India.
• The CDSCO is a subordinate office of the Health Services Branch, which is the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and is the National Authority for the Regulation of Drugs, Medical Devices and Medical Devices. cosmetics in India. BPOM regulates these products in Indonesia.

Cabinet Approves New Mutual Recognition Agreement Between ICAI and CPA, Ireland

• The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on July 18, 2018 approved "the agreement of mutual recognition "signed in 2010 and also approval of a new ARM between the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and the Institute of Chartered Public Accountants (CPA), Ireland .
• The Memorandum of Understanding aims to promote a framework of mutual cooperation for the advancement of accounting knowledge, professional and intellectual development, and positively contributing to the development of the accounting profession in Ireland and India.
• The agreement will give members of both parties the opportunity to be exposed to the best practices of two countries and thus expand their meet the demand for more recent markets.
• The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statutory body created by a law under the Chartered Accountants Act of 1949 of India, to regulate the profession of chartered accountant in India.
• The Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland (CPA Ireland) is one of the leading Irish accounting bodies comprising 5,000 members and students

The Cabinet approves the Memorandum of Understanding between ICAI and the Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved a protocol of agreement between the Institute Chartered Accountants of India and the Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance Bahrain to work together to strengthen accounting, finance and auditing. knowledge base in Bahrain.
• As part of the Memorandum of Understanding, ICAI will provide technical badistance to the BIBF by reviewing BIBF's current accounting and finance program. It will also recommend the introduction of its CA course program that will allow BIBF students to write the ICAI exam in order to acquire membership in ICAI.
• In addition, ICAI will provide technical badistance for the ICAI professional exam for qualified BIBF students.
• The Memorandum of Understanding will allow ICAI members to broaden their professional horizons and, at the same time, help the ICAI become a contributing entity to national capacity building local.

The Council of Ministers approves the Memorandum of Understanding between ICAI and the National Council of Accountants and Auditors, Tanzania

• The Cabinet of the Union chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the National Council of Accountants and Auditors), Tanzania to establish a framework Mutual cooperation in the areas of Member Management, Professional Ethics, Technica l Research, Continuing Professional Development, Professional Accounting Training, Audit Quality Control, Advancement of Accounting Knowledge, Professional Development and Intellectual
• The Memorandum of Understanding aims to develop a mutually beneficial relationship in the best interests of members, students and their organizations. .
• This will allow ICAI members to broaden their professional horizons and foster a strong working relationship between ICAI and NBAA in Tanzania

CCAE agrees with the determination of fair and remunerative price payable by Sugar Mills for 2018-1919. Sugar Season

• Given the interest of sugar cane growers, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the fair and lucrative sugar cane price for sugar cane. 2018-19 sugar season to 275 rupees the quintal for a basic recovery rate of 10%, providing a premium of 2.75 rupees / qtl for every 0.1% increase in recovery greater than 10%.
• The cost of producing sugar cane for the 2018-19 sugar season is 155 Rs per quintal
• The FRP is 77.42% higher than the cost of production, thus guaranteeing farmers 50% higher than their cost.
• By maintaining sugar cane production planned for the 2018-2019 sugar season, total remittances to sugar cane growers will be more than 83,000 rupees.
• The government, through its pro-agricultural measures, will also ensure that sugar cane growers get their rights on time.

CCAE approves continuation of pre-matric and post-marital scholarship programs The cases chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi have approved the proposal to continue pre-matric, post-matric scholarship programs and merit-cum-means for students belonging to the six minority communities notified for a total cost of Rs 5338.32 crore for period up to 2019-20.
• Programs should benefit 70 lakh students each year. They will be implemented through the National Scholarship Portal (NHP) and scholarships will be disbursed through the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode.
• Scholarships are awarded to students who have obtained at least 50% final exam.
• Students should study in government schools / institutes or recognized private schools / institutes

Cabinet approves special package for irrigation projects in areas chronically prone to drought in Maharashtra [19659002] The Office of Economic Affairs chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the implementation of the Central Sponsorship Program for the implementation of 83 minor irrigation projects and 8 major / medium irrigation projects in Marathwada. , Vidharbha and drought prone areas of the rest of Maharashtra. The completion of these projects will provide an badured source of water for farmers in the command area of ​​these projects. This will increase the yield of their crops and thus increase farmers' income.
• The special package will help create an additional potential of 3.77 L Hectares in Marathwada, Vidharbha and in drought-prone areas of the rest of Maharashtra
• The projects included in the package are beyond the 26 major / medium projects in Maharashtra with an ultimate potential of 8,501 Ha financed by PMKSY-AIBP, which should be completed in December 2019.
• Project progress will be controlled by the State and the Central Commission for Water.

CAMC approves the establishment of a new medical college in Deoria, Uttar Pradesh

• The Ministerial Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the proposal of the state government of Uttar Pradesh for the creation of a new medical college in Deoria, at the cost of Rs. 250 crore, as part of Phase II of the Scheme's central sponsorship program.
• As part of Phase II of the Central Sponsorship Program for the establishment of new medical colleges attached to existing district / referral hospitals, the criteria for one in three medical districts and one government medical college in each state have been adopted. .
• The government of Uttar Pradesh recommended the establishment of the new College of Medicine, Salempur to Deoria, as a result of the creation of 24 additional medical schools, including eight Uttar Pradesh medical schools. gradation of the district hospital, Deoria.

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