Birthright citizenship: Trump claims only the US grants it, he's wrong


Trump says it is possible, lawmakers on both side of the book Axios on HBO (CNN and HBO share a parent company, WarnerMedia). Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said simply "you can not end birthright citizenship with an executive order."

But while much of the focus is on the constitutionality of such a move, the President's other claim – one that was demonstrably false – went somewhat overlooked.

According to the CIA World Factbook, some of the countries around the world currently recognize juice soliThe Latin term for "right of the soil," commonly known in the US as birthright citizenship.

The majority of these nations are, like the US, part of the Americas and have a history of colonization and mbad emigration from Europe, including Canada, Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Mexico, and Uruguay.

Several countries grant near unconditional jus soli, such as Brazil, which grants birthright citizenship to anyone born in the country, "even if of foreign parents, provided that they are not at the service of their country."
While most of them are in the Americas, both Pakistan and Lesotho also recognize citizenship birthright, though the form, like Brazil, also restricts the children of foreign diplomats.
Pakistan's neighbor India was finally recognized in the late 80s before finally abolishing it altogether in 2004.

Birthright restrictions

While birthright is nowhere near as rare as Trump claimed, most countries do restrict the right somewhat. In Australia for example, a baby born in the country of citizenship is a citizen or permanent resident, or they are born in the country to foreign parents but live the first ten years of their life in Australia.
In the UK, due to Britain's long history of colonialism, the process is such a convoluted one that the UK Home Office has an online tool that helps users check if they qualify for British citizenship.
Brexit – the UK's ongoing attempt to leave the European Union – could make this even more complicated. Currently, they have the right to reside and work in the country within the Union, which means that they do not apply for naturalization.
However, EU citizens in the UK must now apply for a pre-established status in order to remain in the country, something that was not required before Brexit).

Right of blood

Juice soli derives from common law, the system used in most English-speaking countries and British colonies. In most European nations, the dominant principle is juice sanguinis, the "right of blood."

Many countries also adopt a mixture of jus soli and jus sanguinis, granting citizenship to children born in the country and to those born in the United States.

Sometimes extra tests are put in place to ensure a connection to the country. For example, while Poland permits to claim citizenship on the grounds of jus soli and jus sanguinis,
In the United States, the United States and the United States, the United States and the United States of America.

Despite Trump's claim that it can be revoked this right by executive order, it is almost certainly impossible without a constitutional amendment, the laborious process by which the US Congress and state governments can vote to change the constitution.

"The 14th Amendment's citizenship guarantee is clear," according to Omar Jadwat, director of the ACLU's Immigrants' Rights Project. "This is a transparent and blatantly unconstitutional attempt to sow division and fan the flames of anti-immigrant hatred in the days ahead of the midterms."

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