Blood Moon 2018: A conspiracy theorist believes Friday could be the end of the world


Hi everyone! We know that the world is not in great shape at the moment, at least politically.

Donald Trump flirts with Iran, Putin tightens his grip on everything and the Brexit seems to be a complete disaster.

Oh, and it's too hot now. Seriously. Does "everything stop?"

Well, our prayers may have been answered by a mysterious cosmic event.

On Friday, the moon will become a blood red color and the conspiracy theorist thinks it's going to, thankfully, bring the end of the days

According to prolific YouTube preacher Paul Begley, the shadow crimson moon could be a sign of the second coming – or something like that.

The Express quotes Begley in a recent online sermon:

You know, God spoke to me and said "I'll see the Moon's blood in June

He said "you need to know what's going on" so I knew that the Blood Moon was coming in but we already had our four Tetrad Blood Moon from 2014 to 2015, so I was not really

So the Lord said 'you have to go check' & # 39; ; and I did it and I discovered that it is the longest blood moon of the century.

I found out that this was happening over Jerusalem and I found that it would be incredible people.

Begley continues to quote biblical pbadages and cites the significance of the blood moon rising during Israel's 70th year as a nation.

All I say is the truth, the facts, and it's a fact that Joel's chapter 2 says that the sun will be darkened and that the moon will turn into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord. 19659003] It is a fact that Scripture says in Acts 2 that the sun will be darkened and that the moon will turn into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord arrives

And it is a fact that the Bible says in Revelation 6 that the moon will turn into blood.

Now one thing to note – this is not the opening of the sixth seal, this is not the sixth manifestation of the seal of the last days.

can not demystify what I say. You can not. All I say is real factual.

To be honest, we must admire Begley's trust here. It seems pretty sure that something big and apocalyptic will happen on Friday, which is boring for anyone who has planned something for the weekend.

Yet this is not the first time that the blood-red moon has been tied to the end of the world for nothing to come true.

Theories on the single eclipse began in 2013 thanks to the words of John Hagee and Mark Blitz, a pair of Christian ministers who created the "tetrad" theory, that a series of 39 eclipses during the Jewish holidays, would trigger Armageddon.

As you may have noticed, none of this has happened since we are all still there, alive and breathing (for the moment), it is not so no need to cancel this barbecue or this trip at IKEA.

In addition, you will enjoy the blood-red moon, which will be the longest of the century, without fear of being cremated.

HT Express

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