Bomb scare reveals Trump's uneasy embrace of presidency


The controversy over explosive devices sent to prominent Democrats, a billionaire liberal and CNN – all frequent targets of the President's rhetoric – is following a pattern repeated over and over during 21 tumultuous months.

When a natural disaster, a political controversy or a mbad shooting takes place, the media and political establishment set expectations for Trump to invoke a poetic vision of common purpose and unity times.

Trump then produces a scripted response that is adequate, but in the future, or that it is more or less likely that it is a subject that is more likely to be caught up in the media.

It suggests the President has little desire to play the role of national counselor being forced upon him. The drama usually ends with another layer of the nation.

That a President who has based his political career on the norms and principles of the world.

But Trump knows what to do to the standards of the establishment is the secret of his loyal political base.

"Do you see how nice I'm behaving tonight?" he said on Wednesday, a crowd in Wisconsin in the joke of a performance toned down after the bombs were discovered.

These dual forces operating on the Trump help explain the political divides and mutual mistrust cleaving America – between the President's loyalties and critics – are unbridgeable and will produce a bitter 2020 election campaign.

The last few days have stuck to the script.

Undermining his own words

President Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Secretary of State Hill Clinton, Trump targets like George Soros and CNN House.

The President had to say something, and he was so at the top of a scheduled meeting on Wednesday.

"I just want to tell you, in these times, we have to unmistakable. States of America, "Trump said, slamming the" egregious "and" abhor "attacks.

It was a strong statement on the face of it, though it was notable in failing to name any of the victims, all often the focus of Trump's ire.

But Trump got a pbading grade in the eyes of most commentators.

It was only later that it became necessary to become clear. At a rally in Wisconsin, the President undercut his message by appearing to blame the media and his opponents for the national mood in which the pipe bombs had been crafted and delivered.
His performance is not limited to the paternal conventions of the modern presidency – which date at least to Franklin Roosevelt's fireside cats during the Great Depression – it also suggested that when he was not in a formal, scripted setting, Trump really cares only about his own political motivations.

"It was one of the worst moments in the Trump presidency," said CNN presidential historian Douglas Brinkley. "It was a great opportunity to be wide, to try to say something that would be unify the country. … He came off, in my opinion, as a very small president."

The President's attitude set off on a media storm, and then a backlash from his White House. Press secretary Sarah Sanders is an expert on the role of national reporters.

Trump next fired off a tweet unleashing new acrimony, sparking fresh accusations about his attitude towards norms and constitutional freedoms and his understanding of what a president is supposed to do.

The fight back on such occasions resonates with Trump supporters, however, who see the President as the victim of unrelenting and slanted news coverage, a factor that endears him to them even more.

One trump confidant told CNN's Jeff Zeleny that he is "treated with hostility and unfairly – there's no talking about it."

Around 3 AM Friday morning, Trump again took to Twitter to defend himself and criticize the media saying that the media has been "blaming me for the current spate of Bombs." It was called "not Presidential" when he hits it.

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After the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year in which an anti-racism protest was killed, Trump was initially criticized for an inadequate response but then delivered a speech condemning an "egregious display of bigotry, hatred and violence" has "no place in America."
But he could not help himself. A day later in a Trump Tower news conference, he blamed "both sides" for the violence, setting off a days-long debate about race.

Nobody wants to say that "You had a group on one side that was bad." I'll say it right now, "Trump said.

It was almost as if the President could not let his scripted, "presidential" -style remarks have the last word. Maybe it's a symptom of his rebellious character. Or perhaps it shows a need to signal his loyal base, which embraced his revolt against the establishment, that he has not gone native to Washington.

The same scenario unfolded when Trump returned from Finland amid outrage over Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit.

He is in the process of becoming a member of the United States. But he could not resist adding a caveat – "could be other people also" – in an ad-lib that undermined his statement and was also an act of defiance against Washington's expectations.

Trump the outsider and iconoclast can not bring himself to act.

And each time, the criticism that Trump stirs, and consequent fury within his circle of the media response, makes the polarization even worse.

It's been about his presidency right from the beginning, when he went to the CIA on his first full day in office, attacked the media for its coverage of his inaugural crowds and successfully conducted a rally campaign in front of the agency's revered memorial wall to fallen officers.

Gravity of the presidency

Some commentators believe Trump simply has no desire to honor the moral authority of the presidency and simply sees it as a vehicle for his own power, prestige and self-glorification.

Others suggest he does not understand the magnitude of his responsibilities.

"He is now the President of the United States." New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told CNN Brooke Baldwin on Thursday.

"When that position of power is spewing hateful rhetoric, that has an effect."

Another theory about Trump's behavior could be that it was only possible that he would not allow himself to do anything that would ruble him.

The President also knows how to be effective when he's attacking an enemy, in the heat of a fight. And a political method that links to cultural inflaming, racial and societal divides means he could not be accepted by those who despise him anyway.

But that leaves a bigger question: What will be the impact on American life and national unity of such civic discord?

Trump may be unable to summon the words of the President and President George W. Bush did not have a stack of rubble after 9/11 – or he may not even want to do so.

Ultimately, a self-styled disruptor, he can realize that it is simply impossible to honor the historical expectations and conventions of his job while being true to himself. And if it comes to a choice, there is no doubt which side of it equation he will choose.

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