Bomb Suspect, Beto Poll, Obama Calls Trump Out: 10 Days to Go


Welcome to the Tip Sheet, a daily political badysis of the 2018 elections, based on interviews with Republican and Democratic officials, pollsters, strategists and voters.

• Will the arrest of a Trump bear in the nationwide mail-bomb spree hurt Republicans in the midterm elections? The thought seems to have crossed the president's mind – though not for the reasons you might expect.

Some Republican officials are privately anxious that voters will connect Mr. Trump's caustic words about Hillary Clinton and train President Barack Obama with the bomber choosing to target them. But Mr. Trump seems worried about something more elemental: "momentum."

Speaking briefly to reporters on Friday, he used the word when discussing the arrest and the midterms.

"The Republicans had tremendous momentum, and then, of course, this happened," he said, adding, "Now we have to start the momentum again."

Strategies have been divided on the durability of a so-called Kavanaugh bump in polls, bolstering Republicans in recent weeks following the fractious Supreme Court confirmation process. But there is little doubt that the Republicans would prefer to focus voters' attention there – or anywhere else, really – if the alternative is a national meditation on the presidential culpability for inciting violence.

• On the campaign trail so far, they are proceeding with care, if they address the bomb episodes at all.

Mike Coffman of Colorado, facing one of the year's toughest re-election fights

"Democrats and Republicans must come together to decry these acts of domestic terrorism and let them be responsible for the intimidation of citizens, journalists and public officials. posted on Twitter.

The suspicious bombing, Cesar Altieri Sayoc Jr., in a mugshot photo in Miami.CreditGetty Images

Mr. Coffman has been more critical of the President's rhetoric than others in his party, especially when it comes to immigration. Many people in his district are foreign-born. But Mr. Coffman did not specifically mention the president in his tweet.

A new poll Friday in the Texas Senate race showed Ted Cruz, the Republican incumbent, with a six-point lead over Beto O'Rourke, the Democratic nominee. According to the University of Texas / Texas Tribune poll, independent voters – who often vote Republican in Texas state elections – favored Mr. O'Rourke, 51 percent to Mr. Cruz's 39 percent.

• The image that Republicans want seared in voters' minds just before Election Day: the migrant caravan many miles away in Mexico.

In Minnesota's First District, one of the few places where Republicans believe they can pick off a currently Democratic seat, the Congressional Leadership Fund, the House of Super PAC, has released a new ad to the Republican's bid, Jim Hagedorn. Its message: his opponent, Dan Feehan, is a liberal Nancy Pelosi who will do nothing to stop the "caravan of illegal immigrants marching on America." The accompanying video is, well, you can guess.

Mr. Trump has reported that he sees the caravan – and immigration broadly – a winning issue in the campaign 's closing days. And across the country, candidates, party committees and outside groups are following his lead. Even a great distance from the southern border.

Barack Obama is using the "L" word. The question now: How will Mr. Trump take it?

"Throughout human history, throughout American history, politicians have exaggerated," Obama said Friday at a rally for Democrats in Wisconsin. Just blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly lying. Making stuff up. "

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