Boris Johnson will make a personal statement about his resignation from the government


Boris Johnson must make a personal statement in the House of Commons on his resignation as Foreign Secretary after the weekly session of the Prime Minister's questions he was confirmed.

Sources close to Mr. Johnson said that he had received permission from President John Bercow will make a brief statement, amid intense speculation that he could use it to attack Theresa May's approach to Brexit

This statement adds to the challenges of a grueling day for the prime minister, who is already facing a potentially difficult situation. A session of the LF, followed by a roasting session by senior members of the Westminster Liaison Committee

Ms. May will also attempt to rally her deeply divided parliamentary party while she speaks at the conference. 39, a meeting of the 1922 Backbench Committee

It is not known whether she will remain in the House of Commons to hear Mr. Johnson's statement.

Former ministers have already used resignation statements to inflict He resigned as Foreign Secretary to protest against Theresa May's plans for post-Brexit relations with the EU (Isabel Infantes / PA )

The speech of Sir Geoffrey Howe in 1990, after resigning from his post of Deputy Prime Minister for disputes with Margaret Thatcher on the issue of "The". Europe, was widely regarded as the beginning of the process that led him nine days later

Ms. May's cabinet last Monday, stating that plans for post-Brexit UK relations with Europe, that's the case. she set up at Checkers, would leave Britain a "colony".

Work a five-point lead on the Conservatives.

1/3 When someone from @NSoames permanent states we need a government of national unity, listen. He is right – this week's events created a serious crisis #Brexit . The PM got the support of #ChequersAgreement then scuttled it by accepting the Brexiteers amendments [no1945b004] – Anna Soubry MP (@Anna_Soubry) July 18, 2018

In full Drama night in Westminster on Tuesday, the prime minister thwarted a rebel conservative movement that could have forced him to try to keep Britain in a customs union with the EU by 307 votes to 301, aided by the Brexiteers.

to support the measure of customs union, even if the conservative bads told potential rebels that there would be a vote of confidence as he pbaded, which could result in the. collapse of Ms. May's administration.

Ms. May was defeated on a separate amendment The Trade Bill flagship project, which will require her to seek continued UK involvement in the European drug regulatory system after Brexit.

Conservative conservative Anna Soubry called for a government of national unity to treat Brexit. She told the BBC Radio 4's Today program: "We simply can not continue like this."

Ms. Soubry said that the flogging operation during the Brexit votes Tuesday evening had been a "dread show"

"These absurdities threaten the general elections and confidence votes to the Prime Minister and as I told the deputy chief of the bad "bring him" because I will be the first line to give my vote of total confidence to the Prime Minister, "she said.

"The problem is that I do not think she is responsible anymore, I have no doubt that Jacob Rees-Mogg is leading our country."

Westminster's last vote (16 -July 17)

Con 36%

Lab 41%

LD 9%

Oth 14%

– YouGov (@YouGov) July 18, 2018

Cabinet Minister David Lidington said the government would be exposing more details of its preparations for a no-deal scenario in the coming weeks.

He said today: "But our energies go into negotiating a positive way forward with our European counterparts."

An indication of Ms. May's precariousness in a YouGov poll for the Times, which dropped the Conservatives by 36%, down one point from last week, behind Labor's 41 %, up two points

:: The YouGov survey of 1,657 British adults was conducted on July 16th and 17th.

– Press Association

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