Bradley's confident & # 39; NI will remain a member of UK | UTV


State Secretary Karen Bradley said she is confident that Northern Ireland will continue to be part of the UK, in response to Peter Robinson's comments on United Ireland.

. After suggesting that preparations should be made for the possibility of a united Ireland

. At a summer university in Donegal this weekend, Mr. Robinson said, "I own my home – I do not believe that to be burned, but I still badure it. ..

"I do not believe that Northern Ireland will want to leave the UK." But if that happens, then we would be in a terrible situation – because we would be in the same situation as leaving the European Union, where nothing has been negotiated and nothing has been decided on what would happen next. "

During a visit to Londonderry on Monday, the secretary The State said: The position is that I am confident that Northern Ireland will continue to be part of the UK because we will continue to be part of the UK what the Northern Irish want. "

Lord Empey, President of the Unionist Party of Ulster, accuses Mr. Robinson of becoming" Sinn Féin Echo Chamber "as a result of his comments.

He added that the comments would be" music to the ears "From the Irish Government and Irish Republicans in general." 19659002 "Peter Robinson plays in the MP DUP Sammy Wilson also criticized the comments of his former party leader.

He said:" Preparing a possible united Ireland n & # 39; is not an insurance policy against something unpleasant. 19659002] "It's an invitation to the Republican arsonists to come in and burn our house."

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