Britain to consult with its allies on the response to the latest nerve agent attack


Two intoxicated people in southwestern England may have accidentally been in contact with the same Novichok neurotransmitter used during an attack on a former Russian spy.

British Interior Minister, Sajid Javid, and Dawn Sturgess (44) could be linked to Russia's "reckless attempt" on MI6 informant Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia at Salisbury in March

M. Rowley and Mrs. Sturgess are in critical condition at Salisbury Hospital after their fall. sick in Amesbury on Saturday. Police said that they had handled an object contaminated by Novichok's neurotoxic agent.

Whitehall officials stated that the most plausible explanation for their poisoning was that they had found a Novichok vial or syringe on the Skripals. scene at Muggleton Road where a major incident was reported after a man and a woman were exposed to a nerve agent. Photography: Jack Taylor / Getty Images "height =" 349 "src ="!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg "width =" 620 " />

    Police at the Muggleton Road scene where a major incident was reported after a man and a woman were exposed to a nerve agent. Photography: Jack Taylor / Getty Images

"Many of you will be wondering if this incident is related to this one," Javid told MPs. "This is clearly the main line of inquiry."

The Minister of the Interior stressed that people should not jump to conclusions and that the police must have time to investigate. But he also said that the Russian state was responsible for the attack on the Skripals, noting that Britain and some of its allies had fought back by expelling diplomats.

million. Javid said the UK would consult with its allies following the latest poisoning. adding: "It is totally unacceptable that our populations are deliberate or accidental targets, or that our streets, parks or cities are places of poison."

He also said that he recognized the concerns residents "anxious" and that he insisted that public safety was of paramount importance to the government. "There is no significant risk to the general public", has said Mr. Javid, but he urged people not to take dangerous objects such as "needles and syringes." He spoke after chairing a meeting of the Cobra, the emergency committee of the Government

One hundred officers of the metropolitan police anti-terrorist unit continue to investigate the Skripal attack Ms. Sturgess

Secret location

Commissioner Deputy Neil Basu said Wednesday night that although no object cont Amino was still found, the agents were trying to reconstruct the movements of the pair to find out where they could have been poisoned. "We have no idea what the neurotoxic agent might contain at the moment," he adds.

Among the curly sites are Queen Elizabeth's gardens in Salisbury, 12 km from the address of Amesbury where Mr. Rowley and Mrs. Sturgess get sick. a five-minute walk to the Maltings area of ​​the cathedral city where the Skripals were found.

Sergei and Yulia Skripal, who were in critical condition at the hospital for weeks after the March attack, recovered.

The latest developments will raise serious questions about the clean-up operation in Salisbury, involving chemical weapons specialists from the Defense Research Laboratory at Porton Down and members of the Armed Forces.

The police insisted, however, that there was no evidence that the latest incident occurred in any of the areas already decontaminated as a result of the attack on the Skripals

. participated in the attempted murder of the Skripals. The Kremlin said on Thursday that it was not aware of any request for information from the UK government regarding Mr Rowley and Ms Sturgess.

"I have not heard of any requests," said Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for President Vladimir Putin. Moscow had previously proposed that Russia and the United Kingdom conduct a joint investigation into the poisoning of the Skripals in March "but found no reciprocity," he added.

"Of course, we feel bad for both citizens … We hope they are fine," Peskov said. – Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2018

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