California Today: When Fires Destroy the State’s Most Treasured Places


Good morning.

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In the last week, fires have decimated towns in Northern California, killing dozens and devouring thousands of homes.

The flames have claimed three lives in Southern California and have turned mansions and trailers into piles of ash in Malibu. They have also destroyed something else: Many of the region’s gems for outdoor recreation are suddenly blackened and charred.

Some 86 percent of the federal land within the Santa Monica National Recreation Area has been burned by the Woolsey Fire, according to the National Park Service. That is nearly 20,000 acres — including Paramount Ranch, Solstice Canyon, Circle X Ranch and Peter Strauss Ranch, where Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson performed.

These are some of the most treasured places in Southern California, campgrounds and trails that are quintessential Los Angeles. They are now more moonscape than pristine lookouts. For those of us who love to spend our weekends in the mountains and hills around Malibu, this is devastating too.

Often, when my husband and I hike in California, we note the visible scars from past fires. But this one is something different: Entire ranges are now black.

We want to hear from you: Which of your favorite Southern California spots have been obliterated by the fires? And what did they mean to you? Share your thoughts in the comments or email us at [email protected].

Make sure to do your research before donating to charities. Here is a list of nonprofits in the state that are seeking donations, as well as specific sites and organizations in Butte County and Southern California.

(Please note: We regularly highlight articles on news sites that have limited access for nonsubscribers.)

Fires Coverage From Across the State

• The Butte County Sheriff’s Department has begun releasing the names of those missing in the Camp Fire. [The New York Times]

• A musician from San Francisco who loved California. An influential figure in the early days of Silicon Valley. These are the stories of some of the victims. [The New York Times]

• Losses from wildfires could leave PG&E’s customers on the hook to pay the bill, exposing businesses and consumers to higher costs and potentially leading the utility to face bankruptcy. [The New York Times]

• “You’re not going to be able to rebuild Paradise the way it was.” Federal officials pledged to help the town heal but also warned that it’s years away from full recovery. [The Sacramento Bee]

• Is smoke from the wildfires getting worse? [Wired]

• Stagnant weather in Northern California has held smoke from the Camp Fire in place, causing stores to sell out of respirator masks and sending some of the most vulnerable to the hospital. [The Washington Post]

• Inside Facebook’s meltdown: Enveloped by one scandal after another, Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg covered up problems and waged war against critics, a Times investigation found. [The New York Times]

• Here are six key takeaways from our Facebook investigation. [The New York Times]

Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels’s lawyer, was arrested in Los Angeles on suspicion of domestic violence. [The New York Times]

• House Republicans elected Representative Kevin McCarthy to be their leader, embracing continuity of leadership despite steep losses in the midterm elections. [The New York Times]

• California is bluer than ever as Democrats continue to claim House seats. [The Atlantic]

Gavin Newsom was elected governor, but he faces a big problem: his own party. [Politico]

• In a victory for Attorney General Xavier Becerra, a Northern California jury decided that the operators of a charity for wounded veterans must pay nearly $9 million for keeping millions in donations for themselves. [KUSI]

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