Carr Fire | Two children, grandmother died on fire


The house of Ed and Melody Bledsoe is destroyed, with an open gas line that sends flames into the shell of a metal swing where his great-grandchildren were playing a few days ago .

Shasta County sheriff's deputies revealed that Melody, 70, and her two children, James Roberts, age 4, and Emily Roberts, age 5, had been missing since the Carr fire on Thursday night [19659002] The sheriff of Shasta County, Tom Bosenko, said Saturday morning that he had no new details about the trio disappeared and that it was too dangerous for the deputies. investigate the neighborhood.

a meeting with sheriff's representatives said that they had been told that all three were dead.

"They are dead", a parent sent a text message from the meeting to others who were waiting in front of the sheriff's office

My children have died, that's all I can say Said the mother of the children, Sherry Bledsoe, leaving the sheriff's office

. Melody's husband, Ed Bledsoe, was crying while telling that he was trying to get back home.

He had left the three behind at home for a run on Thursday, and when he learned about the fire, he ran back when he spoke to the children on the phone, he said: " Almighty God, I do not know what I did wrong, "he said," I talked to them until the fire hit them. "

" I was trying to reach them, I was trying to go to the fire.There was a guy in the fire, so I pulled him out. "

But Bledsoe could not pbad his home.

"The fire was just …", he says. "I wanted to die there, I wanted to go."

Family members wondered Saturday whether the three had been warned of the imminent fire before it was too late. Her granddaughter, Shelly Hoskinson, stated that the family only had one flip phone and that she was not a techie, and stated that she believed that she was not a techie. no evacuation order had ever come.

Donald Kewley said that he lives two miles from home and that the flames were approaching. others who tried to arrive at the house were turned away because the fire was too intense.

"We watched this whole area explode," Kewley said Saturday in front of the ruins of the house.

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A parent ran to enter the neighborhood, but "there are flames 15 feet tall, he could not overtake them and it was too late," said Kewley . ] MISSING-FAMILY.jpg "title =" MISSING-FAMILY.jpg "/>

Two children and their great-grandmother have been missing since Thursday night at the Carr Fire in Redding, according to family members. They are, from left to right, Emily Roberts, 5 years old; Melody Bledsoe, 70 years old; and James Roberts, 4.

Photos courtesy of Donald Kewley

A children's aunt, Carla Bledsoe, cried while remembering having run up to the house and being allowed by Police lines, but stopped by firefighters. We were just down the street from the house and when we did it at the top of the hill they stopped us, "she said." We were around the corner, we told them that my niece and my nephew were there, "she said, adding that the children had already called Ed Bledsoe for help." I think the kids called my grandfather and said that the fire was getting closer and hurry, "she said as she waited for a briefing from the sheriff's department officials on what they feared

" We lost three limbs of the family, that's what we are here for now, "said Louise Converse, another aunt." They have all called us together right now. "

" We are almost sure that they are gone. "

The three are among at least 14 people missing as a result of the Carr Fire blast in the suburbs of Reddin. Thursday evening, and their disappearance raises new questions about the types of warnings that the authorities have given to residents.

"The sheriff would not evacuate this area," Kewley said. "There was no evacuation notice.I left my house at 8:20 am on Lake Boulevard and there was still no notice … at 8:20 am it was already gone. "

The sheriff was adamant that evacuation orders were sent, saying calls and warnings Cell phone users were issued, but he did not say anything. could not tell if MPs went door-to-door to warn residents to leave

"The traffic at that time was very difficult to cross," added Bosenko. "It was very chaotic and people waiting at the last minute were panicking," says the sheriff, noting that at one point, a motorist had hit the car of a deputy. to try to get out of the area.

Ed Bledsoe searched for shelters for days without success. Hoskinson posted notes on social media asking for help to find the three and "since then my phone has not stopped ringing," she said. to badess whether staff can safely enter "the neighborhood where a crowd of journalists was gathered.

An hour later, MPs arrived.

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