Chamisa Zec corners upper brass


"To test the authenticity of the ballot is not something unachievable in the remaining days. As for the security of the vote, we do not want to keep the ballots from What we are saying is that we have to be where it is kept, we are told that the ballots are kept in the provincial centers, we want our election officers to be part of the polls. team that escorts them and that they are allowed to observe the holding of the ballot.What is important is that the elders have called for dialogue.Zec must be involved in the dialogue, do not dictate things about us. "

Zanu PF Legal Secretary Munyaradzi Paul Mangwana confirmed the meeting, but said that Zec would have one last word on the demands of the MDC Alliance

Zanu PF ) do not see the reason behind the requests and we told them we are not the final arbiter and we say do your requests and Zec will make a decision. However, we say that the ZEC is endowed with honest men and women, "said Mangwana

. He called some of the claims of the" MDC Alliance " absurd "

" When we met on Fridays, it was not on the table and comes to us as a surprise. I'm not sure what they will require more, but the bottom line is that the Constitution provides that Zec manages and manages elections and not political parties. If tomorrow they decide that they no longer want to participate in the elections, that's fine and that they can go play football, nobody will stop them, "said Mangwana

Nkosana Moyo, leader of the Alliance for the People's Agenda., has thrown his weight behind the appeal of Chamisa to transparency in the electoral management system.

"I have already said that Zec is not doing the right thing, so all the protests to show our dissatisfaction over what Zec is doing is justified and allows all to unite as a nation, not as opposition political parties to record our concerns. "last week.

" There are many people who do not belong to political parties like what we saw when (former President Robert Mugabe was ousted, it was the Zimbabweans (and) not a political party.The Zimbabweans who are registered to vote doiv to look at Zec's behavior and say that it's not acceptable and make their voices heard.

Moyo said parties should continue to press Zec to do the right thing Zec is doing Zec's president (Priscilla Chigumba) does not understand the importance of building trust in our country, where this trust did not exist before, it hides behind legalistic positions that do not help us at all.It should create total transparency so that we, all the political parties involved, have confidence in the process that she uses. "

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