Conservationists issue stark warning as they reveal about two-thirds of the world's wildlife have been wiped out


Human consumption "explosion" has led to a 60% fall in wildlife since 1970, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has warned.

A shock report revealed around two-thirds of Earth's mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and birds have been wiped out.

The World Wildlife Fund has a "mindblowing" crisis is said to be rising deforestation, pollution and climate change.

Director General Marco Lambertini said: "The crisis is unprecedented in its speed, in its scale and because it is single-handed. It's mindblowing. "

Chief Tanya Steele added: "We are the first generation to know we are destroying our planet and the last one that can do anything about it.

"The collapse of global wildlife is a warning sign nature is dying.

Elephants are also endangered

"But instead of putting the world on life support, we're using a sticking plaster."

The document, written by 50 experts, points to the catastrophic impact of natural resources is having.

And it predicts the fall in population will deteriorate further unless urgent action is taken by countries and businesses alike.

The numbers of elephants, rhinos, polar bears, and hedgehogs are steadily falling because of climate change and rising temperatures.

Green Party spokeswoman Grace O'Sullivan said: "This report once again brings home the terrible reality of what we are doing to our planet.

"The endless consumerism and throwaway culture that underpins our society today is simply not sustainable, and yet again we are seeing the very real consequences."

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Some of the key findings include:

  • More than 80% of worldwide freshwater species such as amphibians have been wiped out between 1970 and 2014.

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