Contingencies for UK food supplies after Brexit, says Raab | Policy


Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab admitted that the government will have to take steps to ensure that there is enough food for Britain to cover the eventuality of A departure without a contract from the European Union

. On Tuesday, the minister rejected allegations that the government was stockpiling supplies. However, he acknowledged that he would work with the food industry to ensure that an uncompromising result would not disrupt supply.

"We will look at this issue in the cycle and make sure there is enough food," said Raab. the Brexit Selection Committee. "It would be a mistake to describe it as the government making storage."

"What we are going to make sure – and of course the idea that we only receive food imports in this country from a continent is not appropriate – but we will look at it"

Although Raab pointed out that he considered the risk of food supply disruption to be minimal, his description of the government's emergency planning will alarm those who fear that food supplies will be insufficient. going to crush the EU without agreement

His admission follows the instruction of Theresa May that the contractless planning be intensified after the summit of Checkers, partly to show in Brussels that she was serious about leaving without a contract Health Minister Matt Hanbad told MPs that the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs is working with the industry to store drugs, dispense drugs medical supplies and supplies, with a focus on: "We are working at the government level to ensure that the health sector and industry are ready and that the health of people be saved. "He said that he was" confident "that an agreement could be reached, but added that it was" responsible "to prepare for a range of results.

Over the course of In the coming weeks, the government will unveil about 70 other emergency measures giving sometimes alarming advice to households and businesses on how to prepare for collapse.

The United Kingdom hopes to reach an agreement with Brussels on the withdrawal by October, but the compromise proposals approved by the cabinet are up to now little support in Brussels or parliament, which increases the probability of leaving without

Transportation officials plan to turn the Kent M26 into a fleet of trucks for hundreds of heavy trucks to cope with traffic jams at Dover harbor while up to 10,000 trucks a day have suddenly need some customs controls in to enter the EU.

It was also suggested that the Ministry of Defense study how the armed forces could be deployed to perform various civilian functions, including the use of RAF aircraft to transport food to across the country.

Last week, Amazon became the latest of a growing list of companies to express its concerns, when its British boss warned the Brexit secretary that Britain would face "unrest." civilians "in a few weeks.

During sometimes laconic interrogations of deputies, Raab admitted that there were short-term risks of leaving without agreement, but that the UK had "enormous sums of money". 39 "money" and his "best days before him".

He told members: "I am not as pessimistic as others when I look at the medium and long term, there is no doubt that we will have to look at the uncertainty that we would face in the short term.

"I will not indulge in pessimism about the state of this country compared to Brexit. We will start these negotiations with economic confidence and political ambition. I will not allow ourselves to be intimidated into a corner afraid of our own shadow. "

Raab said that he would not" feed "information on planning a Brexit without agreement, but would rather rely on the series of technical advice during the course of the meeting. summer to explain what the government was doing to mitigate risks for households and businesses

Brexit Minister Martin Callanan rejected the allegations of food reserves: "It seems like a pretty ridiculous story. There are many countries outside the European Union that manage to feed their citizens in a perfectly satisfactory manner without benefiting from the EU's processes. "

What is the project of law of withdrawal and execution?

agreement), this will be the main piece of legislation to enact the agreement that the UK gets to leave the EU, and the transition period that will ensue.

What will this cover?

what is the final agreement. A white paper published on Tuesday mainly covers areas already covered by the initial agreement with the EU: the mutual rights of citizens, the transitional period and the draft law on divorce.

When will the bill be introduced? ]

Only after the parliament approved the agreement negotiated with the EU. It must then be adopted before March 29, 2019, so that the withdrawal agreement has legal effect

What did we learn from the white paper?

Dominic Raab, the new secretary of Brexit, reiterated his warning the UK could withhold the final settlement of 39 billion pounds if the EU fails to reach a trade deal. He also said that there would be "no total suppression of the rights of EU nationals" he did not agree. He also stated that the implementing law would reinstate parts of the European Communities Act – which first brought the United Kingdom into the common market of the time – repealed by the law on the withdrawal of the EU. , an inter-party business committee warned last month that the failure of a free trade deal with the EU would be "disastrous" for the food and beverage industry. processed beverages of £ 28 billion, while the rules of world trade organization would have a seismic impact on the UK's largest manufacturing sector.

A few hours after the government published its white paper on the withdrawal of the EU and Raab appeared before MPs, May announced that she was taking back control of negotiations with Brussels from her new secretary of Brexit. she would now hold talks with the EU while Raab, who had been appointed two weeks ago, would be responsible for domestic preparations, non-negotiation of plans and legislation.

set aside "Brexit Secretary of the Europe of Ten, headed by Olly Robbins, the Brexit Chief Advisor of May, Prime Minister also receiving less than 50 officials from his department

Raab describes this decision as "relocation of Whitehall sunbeds" But said that it was primarily to establish "a team, a chain of command."

Robbins, who became the Brexiters' pet peeve because of the power he gives over Brexit politics, insisted Conservative MP Jacob Re es-Mogg that he only badumed the role of the Brexiters. that May could ask him. "[My] the authority stems from the prime minister," he said.

The Brexit secretary confirmed that the government was ready to make further concessions to reach a final agreement – but warned that there were limits to what the United Kingdom would accept and stressed that the EU should take the offer seriously. negotiation, it is needless to say that there is none, "he said. "It would be too rude to say" meet the EU halfway "but is certainly aware of the considerations they have."

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