Dallas real estate agent on life support after traveling to Mexico for cheap nose job | News


But that isn’t all that happened, Avila’s friends and family say.

“They put anesthesia in her spine, instead of intravenously,” friend Liz Hernandez said.

The drug caused brain swelling and the medical staff said Avila suffered cardiac arrest for several minutes, her family said.

“She had suffered such severe brain damage that she was hardly going to be the same person,” her sister Angie Avila said. “They told us that she will not be able to walk or eat on her own, or even talk.”

The clinic staff could not be reached for comment. KFOX said it was told that the doctor couldn’t comment because she was performing another surgery.

Family members say the hospital told them to decide whether to take Laura Avila off life support or keep her alive with tubes to help her breathe and provide nutrition.

“She suffered severe brain damage; the degree of the injury is not known,” said Hernandez, who insists her friend cannot be clbadified as brain-dead.

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