Declaration of Independence Marked as Hate Speech by Facebook


Facebook was forced to apologize to a local publisher in Texas this week for removing an article containing text from the Declaration of Independence after qualifying it as " hate speech ".

Casey Stinnett, editor of Liberty County Vindicator stated that the social network had complained of an update featuring paragraphs 27 to 31 of the historical document American. His outlet had small sections on the eve of the July 4th celebrations, but he received a notice from Facebook the previous day that the words had violated his "hate speech norms."

In an article published on the website The newspaper's website describing the dismantling, Stinnett said that he suspected that it was probably the phrase "Indian Savages" that had triggered the deletion. "It is a very great irony that Thomas Jefferson's words are now censored in America," he writes, hypothesising that it might have been a different case if the founder had instead used the term " Native Americans ".

"He has excited domestic insurrections among us and has been striving to bring the inhabitants of our borders, the ruthless Indians savages, whose known rule of war, is an indistinct destruction of all ages, bades and conditions. "

A copy of the Declaration of Independence is posted at the New York Public Library on July 1, 2014 in New York. Andrew Burton / Getty Images

It is believed that the withdrawal from the post office was an automated action. It has since been restored. A short message on the Facebook page of Vindicator now reads: "Sorry for the mistake Happy July 4th!"

In a message, Facebook told the publisher: "Looks like we've made a mistake and deleted something that you posted on Facebook that does not go against our community standards." We want to apologize and let you know that we've restored your content and removed all the blocks in your account. "

See all best photos of the week in these slideshows

thanked Facebook for quickly resolving the situation. He said: "We never doubted that Facebook would fix it, but we have not doubted the usefulness of our hustle and bustle about it."

In April, Monika Bickert, Vice President of Global Policy Management, wrote a blog after promising that new callout measures would be put in place for users during the course of the year to come up.

But while Stinnett noted that Facebook was still a business and had the power to restrict its services as he intended, he echoed.

" Vindicator uses Facebook for free, so the paper has little reason to complain other than foolishness," Stinnett reported, adding: The problem of Vindicator is that he became addicted, perhaps too addicted, to Facebook to communicate with local residents. "

The social network did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

]  Declaration of Independence A copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution is based on flowers in a makeshift memorial for the Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia at the United States Supreme Court on February 14, 2016 in Washington, DC Drew Angerer / Getty Images

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