Democrats and Republicans take the last step as mid-way campaigns fight until late in the morning


Donald Trump (Photo AP / Carolyn Kaster)
Donald Trump (Photo AP / Carolyn Kaster)
  • Democrats and Republicans take the last step as mid-way campaigns fight until late in the morning

    Bitter US political campaigns came to an abrupt and unpredictable end on the eve of the elections on Monday as candidates scoured the country for votes in dozens of crucial races whose opinion polls revealed they were still cutting the breath. html

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Bitter US political campaigns came to an abrupt and unpredictable end on the eve of the elections on Monday as candidates scoured the country for votes in dozens of crucial races whose opinion polls revealed they were still cutting the breath.

The two-chamber control of the US Congress and the 36 governor's offices is to be taken Tuesday in an election widely considered a referendum on the first two years of the leadership of Republican President Donald Trump.

In the final stretch, Trump intensified his uncompromising rhetoric about immigration and cultural issues, including warning of a caravan of migrants to the Mexican border and "liberal" crowds, and touted a US economy. he believes would be threatened by the Democrats.

He amplified this message with an announcement linking Democrats and immigrants to violent crime, aired Sunday night on NBC. Even Republican compatriots had criticized this place for its racial division during its first online appearance last week.

Donald Trump (AP Photo / Mark Humphrey)

Donald Trump (AP Photo / Mark Humphrey)

NBC Universal, a unit of Comcast Corp, announced Monday that it would run no more than 30 seconds. CNN had previously refused to run the "racist" caller.

"After further review, we recognized the insensitive nature of the advertisement and decided to stop broadcasting it in our properties as soon as possible," said a spokesman for the network in an email.

Trump planned to spend a final day in the election campaign on Monday, hitting the states of Ohio, Indiana and Missouri, the Midwestern US, at the end of a pre-election sweep of six days focused primarily on US senatorial competitions.

"Everything is fragile, everything I told you about can be canceled and changed by Democrats as they enter the country," Trump told his supporters at a teleconference on Monday to get the ball rolling. vote.

President Donald Trump returns to the White House after an election campaign (Jacquelyn Martin / AP)

President Donald Trump returns to the White House after an election campaign (Jacquelyn Martin / AP)

Opinion polls and election forecasters are in favor of Democrats getting the minimum of 23 seats they need on Tuesday to win a majority in the US House of Representatives, which would allow them to thwart Trump's legislative agenda and to investigate his administration.

But Republicans are more likely to retain their slight majority in the US Senate, which currently holds two seats, which would allow them to retain the power to approve the US Supreme Court and other judicial appointments as a result. a vote to the right of the party.

Donald Trump (AP)

Donald Trump (AP)

But at least 75 of the 435 races in the House remain competitive, forecasters said, and Senate control is expected to drop to half a dozen tight competitions in Arizona, Nevada, Missouri, North Dakota, Indiana and Florida.

Democrats also threaten to take over the governors' offices in several key states such as Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania, which could be a help for the party in the states running for the presidency of 2020.

Trump, who frequently warns of voter fraud and has stated without proof that millions of fraudulent votes were cast in 2016, said Monday on Twitter that law enforcement should monitor "illegal votes".

Former Democratic President Barack Obama donated donuts to election campaign volunteers in a House district, Virginia, where Democrat Jennifer Wexton, Senator, faces Republican actress Barbara Comstock in a hotly contested race .

Obama said the country's character and commitment to decency and equality were on the ballot Tuesday.

"Across the country, what I see is a great awakening," he said. "People woke up and said," Oh, we can not take that for granted. We must fight for this. "

Trump's polarizing style garnered record participation, inspiring the enthusiasm of both parties as voters voted to vote against the president.

About 40 million advance votes – including mail-in ballots and in-person votes – by mail will likely be obtained on polling day, according to Michael McDonald, a professor at the University of Florida, who tracks the numbers. In the last congressional elections in 2014, there were 27.5 million advance votes.

The numbers suggest that the turnout will be very high for a non-presidential election, McDonald wrote on his US website. He estimated that the participation rate would reach 45%. it would be the highest for a mid-term election in 50 years.


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