Drone and drought reveal another "Stonehenge" in Ireland


In Europe this summer, a drought drone revealed another " Stonehenge ." The huge and ancient monument of Newgrange, Ireland, has remained hidden for centuries.

A farmer's sprawling wheat field, the monument is a series of dark mark-shaped perfect circle as wide as a football field and a half. They are not extraterrestrial but they are a gateway to another world. A drone photographer captured the training a little over a week ago

As archeologist Stephen Davis explains, these are the remains of a henge, a kind of an old community center built 5,000 years ago

absolutely bouncy, "says Davis." There were a lot of people here doing things. "

Similar to the famous Stonehenge in England, this Irish version was probably Constructed using wood to create two fence – shaped structures.For thousands of years, they have broken down, leaving footprints of fertilized soil visible only when a heat wave wilts the crops that l '.

"They knew what they were doing," says Davis. "And I suspect that if we try to do it today with the same tools that they used, it would take a tremendous amount of time. of time "

Newgrange, only 30 miles s north of Dublin, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its henges and other archaeological treasures. And other treasures have been revealed while the entire dry region in record heat. Last week, we found remains of a ghost town and an airfield of World War II

"We know that there are other secrets," says Davis,

. hidden for the moment.

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