Dublin Fire Brigade urge people to ‘do the Neymar’ if they catch fire on Halloween


Neymar was accused of theatrically diving at last summer's World Cup. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)
Neymar was accused of theatrically diving at last summer’s World Cup. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)
  • Dublin Fire Brigade urge people to ‘do the Neymar’ if they catch fire on Halloween


    Dublin Fire Brigade has urged people to “do the Neymar” if they find themselves catching fire over the Halloween period.



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Dublin Fire Brigade has urged people to “do the Neymar” if they find themselves catching fire over the Halloween period.

While having a playful dig at the Brazilian footballer, the Irish capital’s fire service advised people who end up in difficulty to “stop, drop and roll” to smother any flames.

It tweeted a gif of the footballer writhing on the ground in slow motion with the words: “STOP, DROP & ROLL. If you find yourself in a position where your costume, or clothes, catch fire do the #Neymar.

“Running will only fan the flames and help the fire spread. STOPPING, DROPPING & ROLLING will smother the flames.”

Neymar attracted worldwide attention for his extravagant dives during matches at the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

The fire service has been actively campaigning about the dangers of fireworks and bonfires in the lead up to Halloween.

Fireworks in Ireland are illegal but every year the service is called out to hundreds of fire-related incidents on October 31.

It launched its ‘Be Safe – Stay Safe’ campaign last week with a demonstration for school children to show how easy it is to sustain injuries when using fireworks or by getting close to a bonfire.

In other tweets it urged people to be particularly careful of naked flames and appealed for them to use LED alternatives instead.

If people insist on using candles they said they should make sure they are kept away from curtains, decorations and costumes.

Homemade costumes are more likely to catch fire and spread.

The service has also been urging people to enlist the help of their “little ghouls and goblins” to help test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in their homes.

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