An earthquake in the Crawley region, magnitude 3, was confirmed by experts
Residents of the Bewbush and Ifield area reported feeling the tremor of a few seconds just before noon today , with reports coming from further afield.
The British Geological Society confirmed the earthquake as a magnitude 3 quake that had its epicenter five kilometers below Newdigate in Surrey.
He said that the earthquake occurred the same week.
Author Trevor Montague of Bewbush said that it was "pretty scary."
He said: "It was a very strong tremor and the house shook."
"You know the feeling when a fast train pbades and everything shivers, it was like that, just very amplified."
"Nothing detached from my office, so low enough, I have been here for 40 years and have never had anything like it before. "
Terry Marshall, age 77, of Ifield West, said he thought he was becoming crazy, until neighbors start knocking on the door to report the same thing.
"It was pretty substantial, the lady next door just hit, she woke up Richard Kail, of Milne Close in Bewbush, said: "I was just sitting watching TV and I felt a kind of shock wave.
Data from the British Geological Society indicated that the tremor started at 10:53 in Surrey, but most reports from the Crawley area indicated that the tremor occurred about an hour later.
Andrea Hoult, 70, from Faygate, also felt the earthquake, but she was less troubled
"It was about 11:50 am and I was in our apartment when I was there. I heard the roar, "she said. when I was in Jordan and Kenya, I knew exactly what it was. I was sitting sewing hands when I heard the roar. We are close to a train line, an airport and a road, but I knew it was not their cause.
"It only lasted a few seconds, but it arouses a lot of excitement."
a table or stand in a door frame. She said, "This England, I knew it would be nothing more than a roar."
A resident of the Kilnwood Vale area said to have heard a colleague from Gatwick who had also felt the tremor . [19659003Avez-vousétéaffecté?Sendnousuncourrielàctnews@jpresscouk
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