Elizabeth Warren responds to Trump: a "tyrant" who takes on "women from all over the country"


Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mbad., Addresses an audience at Belkin Family Lookout Farm at a town hall event Sunday in Natick, Mbad. (Steven Senne / AP)

NATICK, Mbad. – Senator Elizabeth Warren (D -Mbad.) Responded Sunday to President Trump's haunting attacks on her last week, calling him a "bully" who aims "every woman who speaks."

"He's trying to intimidate me to shut me up, and he's also trying to intimidate women across the country.He talks about MeToo." It's not just me that I'm # "He's looking for," said Warren after an event at Lookout Farm, in this Boston suburb, whose campaign was attended by over 1,400 people. "It's every woman who speaks. He thinks we should sit down and shut up. It just will not happen. "

The answer corresponds to a pattern of tit-to-tat attacks between Warren and Trump that began in March 2016, when Warren released a series of tweets and a Facebook post calling him a" loser "In the last moments, she tried to use the exchanges to tip the political problems and scandals in the Trump administration." The best way to deal with a bully is to be strong, resolved, to keep doing what you are doing, "she said Sunday." But do not worry about it. "

Trump s & # 39; Warren is laughed at Thursday at an event in Great Falls, Mt., saying that he would drop him a DNA self-test kit if they already had a debate together. He has been laughing at her for years for repeating the claim of her family of Native American descent and often refers to her with the nickname "Pocahontas."

Echoing her wish to give away money to charity if the former president Barack Obama pbadport records, Trump said that he would pay $ 1 million to Warren's charity of choice if the test of DNA revealed that she had a Native American heritage.

"But we have to do it gently because we are in the MeToo generation, we have to be t very sweet, "said Trump of his plans to throw him the kit during a debate. "We'll take this kit very softly, and we'll let it go slowly, hoping it will not hit her and hurt her arm."

Warren, who had just returned from a congressional visit to Iraq when Trump made the comments, first responded to his Twitter account of the campaign by refocusing the exchange on the decision of the US government. Trump administration to separate thousands of immigrant children from their parents.

"Hey, @realDonaldTrump: While you're obsessed with my genes, your Admin does DNA testing on kids because you snatched them from their moms and you're too incompetent to get them together in time to answer a question. court order, "she wrote last week." Maybe you should focus on repairing the lives you are destroying. "

Warren, who is due to be re-elected in 2018 and declared not to "Focusing on a possible presidential campaign, continued this theme on Sunday – Donald Trump wants us to talk about anything other than what is happening in the Trump administration," Warren said. "I'm two weeks away from being on the border, and Donald Trump's administration has taken the kids off the arms of their mothers and is now too incompetent to reunite them.

She also mentioned the series of ethics scandals that led to the resignation of the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, and the next replacement of the judge of the Court Supreme, Anthony M. Kennedy.

"I seem to be in his head," said Warren. "I get up every day in the struggle for working families, and Donald Trump is not going to kill me.He's just not."

After Trump suggested to several Times that Obama was born abroad, the then president released his birth certificate in 2011, proving that he was born in Hawaii. Trump did not give up until five years later when, a few months before his election to the presidency, he acknowledged that Obama was "born in the United States." Period. "

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